part 53

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"How do you spell 'love'?" - Piglet "You don't spell feel it." - Pooh" ― A.A. Milne

Sophie's POV

After being thrown back, I slam my back against the wall and slide down.

"What do you want from me?" I cry at the masked men.

"We work for someone you know." One snickers.

"Who?" I groan as I feel my back ache.

"Your father." The other answers.

"He's in jail." I snap.

"We know. That doesn't mean we can't visit him and receive orders." One says.

"CAMERON, NASH!" I scream and they quickly cover my mouth.

"SOPHIE?" I hear Cam running down the stairs. "Get away from her." He orders them. I spot Nash on his phone. I hope he's calling the police.

"Why should we? You can't fight us. We are definitely a lot stronger than you." One of the men chuckles.

"So? I will do anything to protect my girl." Cam says.

"Oh your girl." They laugh. "Let's see what you can do about this." They pull out their guns and I shut my eyes, hearing a gun shot.

A few hours later

I woke up in the hospital and remembered the last events. Seconds before they pulled the trigger the cops burst open the door. I was taken to the hospital because of my back and the men were arrested. Cam and Nash are sitting in my room, sleeping.

I sigh and smile at them. I'm glad nothing bad happened, I couldn't live if Cam got shot. The nurse walks in, waking the boys.

"Okay Sophie, your back is fine. You'll just have some bruising. You're able to go home, but before you go, the police want to talk with you." I nod and the police walk in. They ask some questions and soon I'm free to go home.

"I'm so sorry they did that to you." Cam hugs me when we get home.

"I'm fine. I'm just glad you're okay." I smile.

"Are you still up for Sierra's baby shower?" Cam asks. I almost forgot that we have to leave tomorrow.

"Yea, I wouldn't miss it for the world." I say and he nods.

"Our flight is at 8." He says and I go upstairs to pack.

The next morning

We arrive at the airport and greet many fans. I try my best to put on a smile, even though I'm in a lot of pain. My back is killing me, but I don't want Cam to freak out. Once we got on the plane, I winced in pain as I sat in the uncomfortable seat.

"You okay?" Cam asked.

"Yea." I nod. He didn't believe me and asked the flight attendant for a pillow.

"Thank you." I give him a kiss and adjust the pillow behind me.

The flight went by quickly and we finally made it to North Carolina. We are staying at Sierra's house along with many other guests.

"Oh I'm so happy to see you!" Sierra greets us, a prominent baby bump showing.

"It's great to see you!" Cam hugs his sister. I smile and hug her husband. Then Cam and I switch.

"I can't wait for you guys to see your room! I decorated it just for you guys!" Sierra smiles and leads us upstairs.


I might be able to update again tomorrow!! OMG I can't wait until Cam's birthday! Hope you like this chapter 😊

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