part 63

113 3 1

"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." — Lao Tzu

Sophie's POV

Two years later

"Mommy! I want it!" Alex yells, pointing to a sugary cereal on the store shelf.

"No Alex, that's not good. How about this one?" I ask.

"NO I WANT THAT ONE!" He yells. I quickly grab the sugary cereal and hand it to him, trying not to cause a scene.

"Yayy!" He stops crying. I sigh and continue to walk down the aisle. It's been two years since the accident and I'm still worried my dad will show up again.

After we check out, I drive home. Alex runs inside and I try to balance all the grocery in my hands. I pour everything over the kitchen countertop and start to put things away. I smile as I watch Alex play with the dogs. The house phone rings and I pick up.


"Hey Sophie, mind if I come over with Liam?" Audiranna asks.

"Sure!" I say and she says she'll be over soon.

Liam is Audrianna and Nash's son. He's only a month younger than Alex, so they get along well. Nash and Cam are working on a movie together, so Audri and I like to hang out while they're working.

"Liam is coming over!" I tell Alex. He claps his hands together and laughs. He's one smart two year old.

When the doorbell rings, I open the door and Liam runs to Alex. I hug Audri and we walk inside.

"So how's life?" Audrianna asks.

"It's boring. I love staying home with Alex, but I wish I could get a job." I sigh, getting us cups of water.

"You have a degree in teaching right?" She asks.

"Yea, and ever since Alex was born I've been taking more online classes to get my bachelors degree." I explain. I recently got my bachelors degree in the mail.

"So why don't you get a job?"

"Alex." I simply state.

"Get a babysitter... Heck I'll babysit for you!" She laughs.

"Thanks, but I'll have to ask Cam." I say and she nods.

"Have you thought abut having another kid?" Audrianna asks after a few moments of silence.

"Yes actually, but I need to find a carrier." I sigh and she smiles.

"Audri..." I look at her, trying to hide her smile.

"I can be your carrier." She says.

"Really?!" I shout a little too loudly.

"Yea, if you really wanted me too." She states.

"This is why you are my best friend!" I smile, hugging her.

After Audri and Liam leave, I start on dinner. I finish right when Cam gets home.

"DADDY!" Alex yells, dropping his toy he was playing with.

"Hi buddy." Cam bends down to pick him up.

"What was your day?" Cam asks, walking over to me.

"Good." I smile, kissing his lips. I set the table and we start to eat.

"So I have some things to discuss." I say and Cam stops eating to look at me.

"Okay." He says, looking over at Alex to make sure he's good.

"Audrianna and Liam came over today and we talked about things." I start, not know what to say.

"I want to get a job."

"Really?" Cam asks and I nod. "I'm fine with that. What about Alex?"

"Audri said she could babysit." I say. "And we also talked about having another kid."

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Well, Audri volunteered to be our carrier, if we decide to have another kid." I explain.

"Do you want another kid?" He asks.

"Yes, a lot. What about you?"

"Absolutely." He smiles. "Hey Alex, do you want a brother or sister?"

"YES!" He yells, making us all laugh.

I guess it's settled, we're having another kid.


Sorry about the time gap! Follow my Instagram @magc0neverything because I will be playing a game tomorrow and the winner gets a shoutout!!!

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