Chapter 4

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Author's note: The picture is Scott.

We had lunch in the cafeteria which we shared with Scott who decided to join us, sitting between me and Simon.

I think you guys are in my Calculus class and Physics," Scott said looking over my schedule. "Oh look, we have training together too."

I had to admit Scott smelled really good. Of sandalwood I believe. I wonder what kind of cologne he was wearing. Wait a minute, wasn't smell connected to mates? I took a good whiff of him then he looked at me strangely, giving himself a sniff.

"What, do I smell or something?" He asked.

"No. Sorry. I just enjoyed your cologne I think," I said embarrassed. "What is it?"

"Soap and water?" He questioned.

"Wow. That is embarrassing," Sofia said unhelpfully. I blushed.

"Don't worry about it," Scott said with a grin. "You smell nice too." He leaned over and took an exaggerated sniff of me.

That made me laugh out loud. I liked Scott. He seemed really good natured.

"Now come sniff me, Scott," Gabriella said, showing her neck.

"I'll get you later," Scott said, taking a bite of his sandwich. Gabriella put on a pretty pout and I rolled my eyes.

"Who's in charge of training?" Rachel asked, biting into her apple.

"Alpha Viktor usually oversees our training, but since he's away, I suppose Alpha Lucien will take over or his gamma I suppose," Scott said. "Guess we'll see when we get there.

"Do you train in human form or do you shift?" Rachel asked.

"Both. We didn't have time for me to show you everything. On the other side of the dormitories is where we go to train when we shift," Scott said, opening his chips. "It's all done on a rotating schedule. You'll get used to it. Some form of training takes place every day. It's kind of our thing."

"That's why we came here," Simon said.

"Hey new kids, how's it going?" Asked Brett, walking over to our table.

"Brett, right?" Warren asked.

"Future alpha of the Red River pack," he said bowing. Sofia went to kick me under the table instead she kicked Scott who winced. "I didn't catch all of your names."

Simon introduced us all as Brett shook each of our hands. He sat down across from me, next to Sofia.

"How are you liking the school so far," he asked me.

"So far, so good, though I am nervous about training," I said.

"Why?" he asked.

" I actually have never done training before," I said quietly, but of course werewolf hearing can pick it up.

Scott did a spit take spraying Sofia with Sprite. I was so embarrassed. I knew this would come up and I wasn't quite sure what to say.

"Diana here hasn't been allowed to train. Her parents refused, relying on her marrying well. Our Alpha respects their wishes," Simon said, saving me from having to answer.

"That won't fly with Alpha Viktor. He believes 'training is the cornerstone of a well rounded individual' as he puts it," Scott said.

"You should always put your training first," Brett said.

"Do you think you can use math against your opponents?" Scott asked.

"Here's a history lesson, rogues kill every day," Brett said.

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