Chapter 40

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Author's note: The picture is of Amara.

For the next few days I was a zombie. Viktor was taking care of the baby while I wallowed in bed. I couldn't believe this was happening. I would never speak to him or hear his voice again. I felt like an empty shell.

Every morning I would wake up forgetting and then it would all come crashing down. I know I probably was going to choose to take his life, especially after what he did, but just thinking of the coward he had become made me sick.

"I think it's time for you to go see your mother," Viktor said. "I'll take care of Ezra and you take care of your mother,"

"I don't know. I've never been away from Ezra. Could you come with me?" I asked.

"Honestly, I think you have to do this on your own. She needs you and I think you need her," he said.

"You're probably right. She did say she didn't want to be around babies. Would you mind if I tried to get her to come here?" I asked.

"To baby central? Of course not. She's welcome here anytime," he said.

I kissed him and left to find Alec. He made arrangements for me, Isaiah, Amari and Amara who both wanted to see the Palace.

We were leaving at eight o'clock that night.

I took a shower and got dressed in a black tee shirt and some boot cut jeans. I kissed Erza goodbye then had a long goodbye kiss with Viktor. I wished it was something more but we had to leave.

We climbed into the SUV then made our way to the airport. The flight was uneventful. My mother greeted us when we arrived. I introduced her to Amari and Amara, who she had never met before.

Though she was thrilled to meet a foreign prince, she couldn't keep the tears out of her eyes. We hugged and both fell apart. Cullum came out of the Palace.

"What's going on ladies?" He said, joining the hug. "Everything is going to be alright."

"The funeral is tomorrow. Family only. I want this done as quietly as possible," my mother said.

"I'm not going to the funeral Mom," I said. "I came here for you."

"Please Joyana. He was your father," she said.

"He wasn't the man I thought he was. He tortured and killed people Mom. I can't support that," I said.

She let go of me and sobbed harder into Cullum.

The following day my father was laid to rest in a locked tomb. My mother was afraid of his body being desecrated. With strength from having her two children by her side, she disbanded the council and continued combing through my father's office.

How's it going darling?

They buried him today. We're going through his office now.

Did you go?


How do you expect to get closure?

I don't want closure.

Okay. Suit yourself. When are you coming home.

In a week I think.

That night I went for a run. I saw the moon had a crescent shape and decided to howl. It was a long, sorrowful sound. I heard three wolves respond. I did it again. Two of the wolves were Amari and Amara. I could see them now. The third was further out.

What are you doing? Viktor is not here.

I don't expect to find anyone. I just wanted to howl.

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