Chapter 25

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Author's note: The picture is of Queen Lydia Winters.

We started our survey in Maine. Eight out of ten Alphas showed up to our summons. The other two packs had to pay a hefty fine for ignoring the summons. The money was going to the fund for relocating rogues.

"Why have we been summoned here on such short notice?" The Alpha from Greystone pack asked.

"First allow me to introduce ourselves. I am Alpha Viktor Murphy from the Shadow Moon pack and this is my associate Joyana Winters daughter of the Alpha King and Queen," Viktor said.

Associate, really?

We have to be professional. This isn't about us. They'll find out soon enough anyway.

"We have noticed a problem with the rogues and we believe we have the solution," Viktor said.

"And what's that? Kill them all? We're not willing to do that," the Alpha from Blood Moon pack answered.

"No. This has become more of a homeless issue and we do not intend to be like the humans and leave our wolves on the streets," Viktor said.

"Or to needlessly slaughter them for trying to live," I said. "We've noticed a trend that a lot of these rogues had disagreeable Alphas. Not to mention the recent laws that have made life impossible for the rogues,"

"Disagreeable? I've had four pack members desert our pack, does that make me a disagreeable Alpha?" Asked the Alpha from the Blood Moon pack.

"That depends. Did you take their 13 year old daughter as your wife?" I asked.

"What I would never," the Alpha from Blood Moon pack said.

"That is just one of the cases we have found. That rogue and his children have been placed in my own pack as well as five other families we found," Viktor said.

"That's more of a legal issue, isn't it?" Asked the Alpha from the Rain Storm pack.

"It is, but at this point it's one's word against another's. Either way the rogue is left homeless. What we're trying to do here is find Alphas who are willing to take in rogues as their own pack members," Viktor said.

"What's in it for us?" Chimed in the Alpha from the White Lotus pack.

"This is a charity, but if you must know, every month for the first six months there will be a stipend for the rogue until they get acclimated," Viktor said.

"And what's this going to cost us?" Asked the Alpha from the Green leaf pack

"Initially about fifteen thousand dollars depending on the size of the family. That's to buy the essentials needed to get the rogue acclimated," I said.

"And how much is the stipend?" Asked the Alpha from the Green Leaf pack.

"We're going to set up a fund that would help packs that can't afford it. Two of your Alphas have graciously already donated to this fund by refusing to appear for our summons. Who knows how much money we'll have just by the end of this inquiry. We will hold events to help to raise money and accept donations on a website we will set up," Viktor said.

"So there's a chance of receiving nothing?" The Alpha of the Green Leaf pack asked.

"The point of this is not to get money. The point of this is to help fellow wolves find new homes," I said. "This isn't a complicated issue. Either you're willing or you aren't."

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