Chapter 48

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Author's note: The painting is of the Moon Goddess.

Just when I thought nothing was going to change, Samantha called. At first I thought there was something wrong with our children, but then she started talking.

"I'm really sorry to call but Ezra is freaking out. Hold on and I'll put you on speaker phone," she said.

"Mommy?" Ezra said.

"Yes baby, it's Mommy," I said.

"It's not enough. You have to give him love. The bad man wants to eat his heart," he said.

"What are you talking about Ezra? What bad man?" I asked.

"The one from the Moon. He's making Daddy forget," he said.

"Okay baby. I'll take care of it," I said.

"No. You need the red light lady. Daddy can't hear you," he said.

"Okay baby. Mommy will get her," I said.

"Hurry," with that, he hung up the phone.

I ran to the cellar, tripping and falling in my haste.

"Eloise I need you," I screamed.

She peeked her head up. I told her what Ezra said and she stared at me wide eyed.

"Can you help me or not?" I asked.

"I can. I just have to go get a few things,"

I ran back to the hospital. Viktor was starting to look gray. I tried mindlinking but it was closed. I grabbed his hand and kissed it. In no time Eloise returned. She put a rank salve over his heart, at his temples and on his hands.

"This will work as a conduit between you too. For his head, think of all the loving memories and send pictures. For his heart send all your loving feelings. For his hands send all of the physical things. Remember his touch not just the sexual activity," she said. "Start with his head.

I put my hands on his head and send pictures of the first time we went for a run. The second time when we just stared at each other's naked bodies. I put the first time we met. I put us dancing at the charity event. I thought of the day we got married. I thought of the day we had Ezra. The day we had Hannah. I thought of the days we just sat around enjoying each other's company. I thought of everything I could possibly think of.

Next I put my hands over his heart and I just thought of all the same things but of how it made me feel. I thought of pushing them to him. I pushed the feeling of love, of devotion and friendship, strength, comfort everything he made me feel.

Lastly, I grabbed his hands and I remembered all the times he held my hand. Every time he comforted me. Such as when we were in his office and I was crying and he rubbed my back. It was the first time I felt the spark. The first time I knew we were mates. I put all I could into feeling the mate bond again and how that felt.

Viktor took in a deep breath and coughed. A black tar like substance came out of his mouth.

"Don't let go. Keep it up," she said.

I thought of the first time we had sex. I thought of the first time he switched bodies with me and beat those men. I thought of how our wolves cuddled. How we cuddled. I thought of how he saved me from those rogues. How he always supported me when my dad did something.

Viktor sat up and started vomiting up the black tar.



I sent everything I could through the mindlink while feeling all the feelings. Viktor fell out of bed dragging me with him since I refused to let go.

"Get out of my husband," I screamed.

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