Chapter 38

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Author's note: The picture is of Kiyoshi.

We arrived in New Mexico just after Abigail gave birth. It was a little boy seven pounds six ounces, nineteen inches. His name was Alfred. Seeing his tiny little hands made me long for the baby I had lost.

Seeing Viktor hold the baby really warmed my heart. I know he would make an amazing father. Maybe I had been too quick in saying I didn't want kids because I did want this. I wanted to give him children. I wanted to make him happy. To show him how much I loved him. Maybe after we got married we would try again.

We stepped into the hallway with Sofia.

"I have a confession to make," Sofia said. "I'm pregnant!"

"Congratulations," Viktor said.

"I didn't know how to tell you Joyana," she said. "I'm sorry but I'm so excited."

"As you should be. I'm excited for you. I was just thinking maybe after I get married, I would try again," I said.

"Really? I'm up for that," Viktor said looking excited. " I love you right now."

"If you hurry up, we can be pregnant together. I'm only three weeks," Sofia said.

Sofia went back into the room leaving us alone in the hallway. Viktor had that look in his eye. That look that said I want you right now. I kissed him slowly.

"Are you sure you want kids," he asked.

"I'm sure I want to give you kids," I said.

"That's not the right answer," he said.

"I'm just scared. What if I can't have kids? What if we try for years and we get nothing?" I asked.

"We can always adopt," he said.

I smiled then kissed him again. We held hands then went back into the room.

That night we stayed at their house while they stayed at the hospital. We slept in their bed while Sofia took the guest room. Samantha and Isaiah took the couch.

I climbed on top of Viktor. He massaged my thighs. I rubbed his stomach then took off his shirt. I went to unbutton his pants when he stopped me.

"You said you don't want to have sex in their bed so what are you doing?"

"I figured we could start here then move to the floor," I said.

He lifted me up and took off his pants. Our love making was slow and sensuous. We didn't use protection.

We spent one more day with Cullum and family. Abigail looked good. We kept sneaking her outside food.

"How did you make out with those books," she asked.

"Sofia here supervised the work. They mostly warned of past deeds that needed attention," I said.

"So they were useful?" She asked.

"In a way. I learned what not to do but nothing about what I should do." I said.

My mother arrived that afternoon. She looked really ragged. I guess all this stress of my dad is really getting to her.

"Joyana, it's nice to see you," she said.

"It's good to see you too Mom. Now how have you been?" I asked.

"Not too good,"she said.

"This is about Dad, isn't it?" I asked.

"Of course it's about your father," she said. "You still haven't decided what to do with him. He's just locked away in those cells and I miss him. Even when we were fighting, I enjoyed his company. What am I going to do without him?"

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