Chapter 43

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Author's note: The picture is of Andre.

Time's up. Get back up here.

No, I need some more time.

I heard what she said. Come here so we can discuss this as a group.

He closed the mindlink. I turned back to Helena as she looked at me with a shit eating grin.

"Being summoned by your husband? You would do so much better without him. He's dragging you down," she said.

I could feel the fingers of her command tickle my brain.

"Sit down," I said, and she flopped to the floor. "Now keep your mouth shut until I get back."

I went up to the dining room where everyone was gathered.

"Did she really try to command you?" Viktor asked.

I went over to Bobby and said, "I release you from all commands."

Bobby fell to the floor screaming and grabbing his head.

"What did you do to him?" Camille asked.

"Helena has been controlling him. I freed him. His memories must be coming back. I can imagine that is painful," I said. "Go get the doctor and ask him to give him something to sleep. Something strong."

Amari went to fetch the doctor. Everyone was looking at me. I bent down to Bobby and said, "you don't have to feel this pain."

He immediately stopped screaming.

"Joyana, I am so sorry," he said.

"You need your rest," I said. "We can talk later."

"She made me do so many things. Some terrible things, some shameful. I can't believe it," he said.

"Camille, comfort your mate," I said.

"What if he's not my mate? What if she orchestrated the whole thing?" She asked.

"Did you guys mark and mate?" I asked.

"Yes," she said. "We did immediately."

"Let me see the mark," I said.

She pulled her tee shirt down and tilted her head. Her mark was beautiful too. It showed two wolves laying by a river with a mountain in the back. Full moon was high.

I showed her my mark and she awed at it.

"That's why you decided to howl, isn't it?" She asked.

"Yes exactly," I said. "Bobby said it was the mark of a true mate. Do you remember Bobby?"

"Yes, I remember. The Moon Goddess said you would be there and we were true mates."

The doctor finally arrived with the sleeping medication. Amari and James helped Bobby home. When they returned they told us he had taken the medicine and was out like a light.

"So what now," Viktor said. "We can't leave her down there long."

"She'll be fine," Amara said. "She could use the time alone."

"The point is not for her to spend time alone. The point is to discuss what she said to Joyana," Viktor said.

"What did she say? We weren't in the room. We have no idea what she said. You're the only one with the direct link," Elena said.

"She said that she was sent by the Moon God," Viktor said.

"Well now she's just talking nonsense there's no Moon God," Jacob said.

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