Chapter 60

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Author's note: The picture is of her salad.

The next day I went to see Eloise as soon as I could. She was in her cottage with Gabriella.

"I know why you came to see me. He tried to use me against you but you didn't let him, did you? You figured it out, you know me of course," she said.

"I know you. We're friends," I said.

The pain I felt at her loss hit me again.

"Don't cry girl. Don't cry. It was my time. We all have different times. Mine was up. That is all. Nothing more, nothing less. Your time is not yet here but you have worked to do. You must do your work," she said.

"What work are you talking about?" I asked.

"You haven't been doing your meditations. How many times do I tell you that you must meditate?" she said.

"I completely forgot," I said.

"I know you have a lot going on, blah blah blah. You need to take care of your work," she said.

"Alright I will make an effort to do my meditation and then what am I to do?" I asked.

Then you have to work on growing your powers of course. This man wants you helpless. He wants you to believe you are powerless. He wants you and you can't let him have you. You must fight him," she said.

"I know, but it's hard he pretended to be Viktor," I said.

"Yes, yes because Viktor is your weakness but he is also your strength. You just have to know Viktor just like you know me. You know how Viktor acts," she said.

"That's not the issue. He has been in my head and he is using things that Viktor says," I said.

"No you know Viktor. You know him better than he knows himself. Don't try to tell me that man fooled you. You know his touch. You know that was not him. Viktor can't keep his hands off you but he would never do that in public," she said.

"You can see all of that?" I asked.

"Yes. I see everything now. Everything, but I'm not allowed to say everything. That is not how things are done. They would snatch me back so fast I wouldn't even get to say goodbye," she said.

"In my dream or illusion or whatever that was they said you only had a week or so," I said.

"Don't listen to them. They will have you fear everything. You do not fear me leaving. I will leave when I'm good and ready. I have to teach this girl so you need to go," she said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because her lessons are not your lessons. You can come to me later but do not come at night. Never come at night," she said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because I am not here at night. You want them creating more illusions and confusing you further? Never come here at night. Promise me you will never come here at night," she said.

"Okay I promise. Alright I'll see you later," I said retreating.

I left Eloise's house and went on my run to the Silver Lake pack. I met up with Alpha Christopher who showed me all the different ways they hid. I mean I couldn't even see their jail. Everything was hidden so well. They either blended in with the background or they were covered in vegetation. They just looked like part of the scenery.Oh I just loved his pack so much. I love the illusion.

Alpha Christopher decided to run back with me to the South gate where he wanted to speak with Viktor.

Don't worry princess I will mindlink him myself.

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