Chapter 39

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Author's note: The picture is of Ezra and Daddy.

A few days later I went into heat. Viktor tried his hardest to get me pregnant. Tessa and Ryland said now was the best time to try. I couldn't stand it. It was agony just burning me alive until he'd finally quelched it. I couldn't get enough. We were going at it five or six times a day.

Two weeks later it was confirmed that I was pregnant. Too early to share with anybody but at least we knew. Viktor was over the moon. You couldn't find a happier person at Shadow Moon.

Things around Shadow Moon had become so mellow it almost felt unreal. Viktor would barely let me do anything. Especially not run which is all I wanted to do.

I told Sofia so we can compare notes as we got further along. She was six weeks along while I was two. She had a cute little baby bump.

We decided to get her nursery decorated. She chose a mint green like I originally wanted. She painted a mural of a wolf howling at a full moon on a ledge.

We waited to get furniture until we were further along. During my fifth week we had our wedding ceremony. It was beautiful. Our colors were white and purple. Cullum walked me down the aisle. We had a big feast and dancing after the ceremony. Viktor was by my side the entire night.

By my third month, everyone knew I was pregnant. I was definitely showing and Sofia looked ready to pop. She was having twin girls while I was having a boy.

Viktor and I had settled on the name Ezra James Murphy. He rubbed my belly like he was rubbing for luck every time I saw him. I loved every moment of it.

Eventually we bought the furniture for our nurseries. I would spend hours sitting in my rocking chair rubbing my belly. I hadn't been this far along last time.

Sofia and I had a joint baby shower. The woman of the pack all got us cute outfits and diapers knowing we had everything else. It was a nice baby shower Starla did for us. Plenty of games and prizes.

Two months later and I was ready to have the baby already. I was so uncomfortable. I couldn't even get good sleep anymore. Starla recommended I sleep in the rocking chair. It was more comfortable and I actually started sleeping well again. Viktor did not until he started sleeping under me.

The day Sofia gave birth she allowed me in the room. After watching what was going to happen, I started freaking out about giving birth. No birthing class or breathing exercises were going to help.

Viktor tried his best to calm me down but I was still too nervous. The mothers of the pack started giving me their birthing stories and all they really remember is when they first held their child and the love they felt for that child. That began to make me feel better.

The day my son was born was a sunny one. Birds were singing. The bees were buzzing and I was in incredible pain. Viktor held my hand taking away some of that pain. If it wasn't for him I could not get through this.

After hours of contractions and pushing Ezra James Murphy was born at eight pounds nine ounces. He was twenty one inches. He was my fat little baby. Viktor was a proud papa. He and his men all smoked stogies in celebration, the smell making me sick.

We took Ezra home placing him in the bassinet placed in our room until he sleeps through the night. That night I had the best sleep of my life dreaming about songbirds and diapers.


I had a skin to skin carrier so my baby could feed at will and my hands were free. I carried him everywhere. We were in bliss in every area in our lives with the addition of our new baby except in one, the bedroom. Viktor couldn't understand how pushing a baby out of my body did not make me feel sexually attractive. The lack of sex was also making him quite irritable. He would snap at the drop of a dime with me and his men. Training has become his life now. Trying to work out his aggression. I used to be able to help with that.

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