Chapter 32

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Author's note: The picture is of Helena.

"But that's good news," I said. Why couldn't you tell me before?"

"They hadn't caught him yet. He managed to evade them for a few hours. They only just now caught him. He was on his way here. I think he knew you were here," he said.

"Do you think he has other men out there?" I asked

"I have scouts out searching. I know what I'm doing, Joyana. I just wanted you to be safe. You're with child, you can't shift, what else could I do?" He asked.

"You could have told me," I said.

"I didn't want to stress you out before we caught him," he said.

"You still should have told me. We're supposed to be partners. We're about to get married and have a baby. I don't like when you leave me in the dark," I said.

"Well it was my decision to make and I chose to protect you. You can't think me so horrible for that," he said.

"I don't think you're horrible. I was just angry. I don't usually behave so petty but these hormones are kicking my ass. I'm just glad I didn't throw a fit in front of everybody. That would be so embarrassing," I said.

"I think that would have been funny. The little princess throwing a little temper tantrum," he chuckled.

"It's not funny and I don't like feeling like you're trying to control me," I said.

"You think I don't know you're uncontrollable. I swear I'm just trying to protect you. I love you. I don't know what I would do if something happened to you. I'm sorry if that makes me a dick," he said.

"You better get going. I'll tell you right now, if you think you're going to keep me from talking to him you're going to see a fit," I said.

"I wouldn't dream of keeping you away," he said.

He gave me a kiss and then made his way back downstairs. There was nothing else for me to do so I went back to my room and laid down. I was asleep within minutes.

That night I dreamed of penguins eating marshmallows and clowns.


The next morning I woke up by myself. I headed down to the cellar to see Mr. Johnson but there was no one in the cells. I asked a guard and he said no one had been there since Rachel.

I tried mindlinking Viktor but it was closed. I tried to push my way through but nothing happened so I decided to try on the other link thinking maybe he didn't think to close it.

Me: Where are you?

Helena: Just got to the airport in New York.

Unknown voice: London.

Unknown voice: Australia.

Unknown voice: Switzerland.

Me: Who's in London?

Unknown voice: Jacob. I'm in London.

Me: Okay

Jacob. Who am I talking to?

Me: Joyana, American princess of the werewolves.

Unknown voice: No way! That's too cool!

Me: Who's in Australia?

Unknown voice: Ian.

Me: Who is in Switzerland?

Unknown voice: Elena, are you the one who's supposed to help us find our mates?

Bobby: She helped me find mine.

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