Chapter 19

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Author's note: The picture is Lucas and Warren

Victor walked into the office looking nonplussed.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"My parents want me to get married this weekend," I said.

"Well we didn't come here for nothing and you haven't given us an alternative," my dad said.

"It's Viktor, dad. I want to marry you, Viktor," I said.

"And you would like to marry my daughter," he said, turning to Viktor.

"I would like to get to know her better before making a decision like this," Viktor said.

"Fair enough," my father said.

Simon scoffed, "he's not right for her. You can't let him marry her.

Everyone looked at Simon.

"And how is he not right for her?" My mom asked.

"There's just something about him," Simon said.

"You're just angry that he killed Rachel," I said.

"I didn't kill Rachel. I was in the office with you, remember?" Viktor said.

"What does it matter who took her life?" My father asked. "She tried to take my daughter's."

"Why is he here anyway?" I asked. "I fired him this morning."

"Rachel wasn't like that," Simon said. "You didn't know her."

"I know all I need to know," my mother said. "That she was poisoning my daughter."

"It wasn't Rachel who poisoned her," Simon said. "It was me. Rachel told me some crazy story about mates and the moon goddess. She poisoned my Rachel so I poisoned her."

"And then you let her die for you?" Viktor asked with disgust. "What kind of man are you?"

"I'm a coward!" He shouted. "You don't think I know that. She was going to leave me."

"No she wasn't," I said. "She loved you. She fucking died for you. I can't. This is too much"

Viktor came over and squeezed my shoulder. I felt strength flow through me. My father looked murderous.

"Viktor seize him!" My father shouted.

"No," Viktor said.

"Don't make me command you." My father said.

"Why don't you listen to your daughter this time," Viktor said.

"I don't care what she has to say!" He roared.

"Shaun, what are you saying," my mother asked. "Since when did we stop listening to our daughter?"

"Really Lydia," my dad said, lifting an eyebrow. "What are we even doing here? You decided to call the council when clearly she has ideas of her own. When it comes to someone harming her however, I'm not listening to what she or anyone else has to say.

"But it's Simon, Shaun," my mother said.

"I don't care if it was you," my father shouted. "Nobody is harming my daughter so long as I live without consequences."

"And what consequences will there be for Simon?" My mother asked.

"You know the consequences, Lydia," my father said.

"Well I disagree," my mother said. "We have to learn from our mistakes. That poor girl is dead and she was innocent.

"Not if she kept her mouth shut about what Simon was doing, she's not innocent," my father said.

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