Chapter 13

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Author's note: The picture is of Ryland.

I spent the better part of thirty minutes throwing up. Rachel came in and held my hair back. She cleaned my face and help me get into bed. I felt awful.

"Rachel, can I talk to you?" I asked.

"Of course you can," she said, stroking my hair.

"Don't ask me how I know but it's about Simon," I said.

"What about Simon?" She asked.

"Do you like him? I mean romantically?" I asked, before I lost my nerve.

"I...well, I haven't thought about it," she said. "I won't let myself think about it."

"Rachel, I want you to be happy," I said. "Don't worry about me, I found my mate. Maybe Simon's yours."

"I don't know if I would go that far. We barely even talked about it," she said.

"So you have been talking about it," I said, wiggling my eyebrows.

"Once or twice," she said. "Okay and one time we did drunkenly make out."

"You did?" I asked, "When?"

"When the French delegates were visiting," she confessed.

"He kissed you and Gabriella?," I asked. "What am I chopped liver?"

"He did not kiss Gabriella. She walked in on us," she said. "In fact he brought that up recently to confirm it with me."

"I wonder why Gabriella lied," I said.

"Probably just for the attention," she said.

"I can't believe she lied to me," I said. "I thought we were finally getting along."


Once I got sick again I decided to call it a night. Three days in my bed I spent getting out just to vomit. On day four Beta Liam came to check on me.

"How's it going?" He asked, "I heard you've been sick."

"I think I'm dying," I croaked.

"Alright," he said. "It's time to have you looked at."

He picked me up bridal style and carried me to the pack doctor. They ran all sorts of tests on me without telling me the results. Finally, I got a call from Alpha Viktor.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked.

"Better, but still weak," I said in a raspy voice."

"You don't have to talk, just listen. Someone has been poisoning you with a wolfbane solution that was found in your closet," he said.

"Wolfbane? Is that why I haven't been able to contact my wolf?" I said.

"Yes. They gave you just enough to suppress your wolf without killing you," he said.

"Who would do that?" I asked.

"I was hoping you would have some idea," he said. "I know you weren't poisoning yourself."

"Of course not," I said.

"Seriously, stop talking," he said." You sound awful. We're going to have you stay in the hospital until I get home so I can sort out what's going on and who's doing this to you. The doctor will come in and talk to you about the rest. Take care of yourself. I'll see you in a few days."

How can you call me and drop a bomb like that and just hang up? So rude. I have been getting my strength back little by little. I lost pounds I couldn't afford to lose and now I'm just supposed to lie in this bed for days.

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