10 Back to the Bar for Cloaks and Laggards Part 1 Russians and Ukrainians

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We all pretty much suspected Destiny was some sort of spy before her midlife crisis, and she came to work at Joe's. Actually, she was too young for a midlife crisis, but I don't know what else to call it. Anyway, what we didn't know was in that previous life she spoke fluent Russian. Fortunately, our current guests did not know that either.

It was a couple of days after Agent Lee's visit and the same day Lupin was taking Pixie to meet with John. The guests I was referring to in the first paragraph were currently sitting at opposite ends of the dining area giving each other suspicious looks and muttering under their breaths in what sounded like Russian. At the table nearest the door sat a man and a woman asking questions about Pixie. When will she be back? Do you know where she lives? Does she have any close friends? Have we ever seen her with a young twenty-year-old girl? The questions are rude and asked with a thick slavic accent. They keep glaring at the Russians at the other end of the room as they query the wait staff and even passersby.

Similarly, the two Russian men at the other end of the room are rudely asking anyone who will talk to them questions about John and where they might find him.

Destiny picks up bits and pieces of their Russian mutterings and explains to me that they are from two rival gangs. One group is Ukrainian and the other Russian. The Russians are asking about John and appear to be into computers and tech jargon. They are clearly puzzled by the presence of the Ukrainian gang which has never shown any interest in cybercrime before. The Ukrainians are a bit harder for Destiny to understand as they are speaking Ukrainian which although similar is not exactly the same language. They are asking about Pixie and as far as Destiny can tell have said nothing related to computers but are equally puzzled as to why the Russians are there.  

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