23 That's Life Part 1 Shot Down in May

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POV: John

Lupin and I were both getting bored with just sitting in the woods watching the cabin when a small panel truck pulled up. I was thinking they were going to use it to transport Julie and perhaps some other prisoners to an even more secure location. I was no longer bored. In fact, I was on the verge of panic, but it was going to get worse. You know what they say, "You're riding high in April shot down in May." Seems like I never get to ride high, but I certainly get shot down a lot.

Three men jumped out of the truck and pulled two apparent captives from the back. Both captives had their hands secured behind their backs. One was a man the other a woman. This did nothing to ease my mind, but Lupin started chuckling. I'd been rather suspicious of Lupin's sanity for some time.  I wouldn't say he isn't playing with a full deck, but I'm pretty sure most of his cards are jokers.  

"What are you laughing about?"

"You mean besides the fact that two of those guys are the Russians who were looking for you at Joe's and one of their prisoners is that dumbass FBI agent Fink and the other is an undercover cop named Gretel."

"Well, that doesn't sound good," I said frowning at Lupin.

"Maybe not, but it is funny." Lupin kept laughing. When he calmed down, he continued, "Perhaps it is time to call in the cavalry. Call Pixie and explain the situation to her. Then tell her to ask Destiny about "Operation Black Friday."

"Operation Black Friday sounds ominous." 

"It is an old CIA operation that Destiny told me about. Black Friday refers to the day after Thanksgiving when shoppers over run the stores to pick up holiday bargains. I believe it is oddly applicable to our current situation.  

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