Biking In The Rain

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A sunny day on a Saturday afternoon. Edd sat in his dining room while his mother buckled his helmet on. Frowning, Edd sighed.
"Mooom!" he exclaimed, "I don't need a helmet, it makes me look dumb."
Edd's mother stood up and pat Edd on the head.
"I agreed to let you not wear your kneepads. The least you could do is not get a head injury, hon." he spoke calmly.
Edd grumbled and made his way into his garage to get his shoes. Green sneakers with long white laces that were a bit too big for his feet. But it never bothered Edd, even when he did wear his socks with them. Running toward his front door, he jumped up and down excited. "Hurry, Ma, Hurry!" he shouted. Edd's mom chuckled, calling from the dining room. "I'm coming, I'm coming!" She brought in Edd's bike while Edd opened the front door. He smiled as Edd's mom set his bike up.
"Remember to lift the brake before you ride," she spoke, "let's not have the metal scrape against the road, okay?"
Edd nodded and climbed onto his bike. "Did you call Matt's mom--d-did she say he could go? Can he?"
"Yes, she said he could go." Edd's mother smiled.
"Yes!" Edd exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air. He dragged his bike through the driveway, ignoring his mom's advice on doing his action before he got on his bike.
"Okay!" Edd called, "I'm going now! Bye!"
"Bye!" Edd's mother called, "Be careful!"
Edd nodded before riding off, watching as his mom disappeared into their house.

"I know!" Matt exclaimed, as his mom bombarded him with various sunscreens and band-aid packs. "I-I gotta go mom!" Matt continued, shooing the worried woman away. Matt's mom stood with her hands folded. Her once concerned expression now turned into a stern one.
"You remember what happened to cousin Katelin?" she interrogated.
Matt nodded quickly, his blue eyes expanding with worry already. "Dad said they didn't find her for a week." he replied.
"It was five minutes--but be careful so you don't get lost and come crying home."
Matt nodded while his mother grabbed his helmet off of the stairs. She lifted Matt's chin and placed it on his head, buckling it so that it was a bit too tight like she usually did.
"There," she said smiling, "and you have your elbow pads and kneepads."
"Yeah." Matt answered showing his elbows and patting his knees.
"I know, I was just checking."
Matt smiled before hearing the doorbell ring. Quick to open it, Matt's hand landed on the doorknob but his mother stopped him.
"What do I say?" she asked, "Always check the peep-hole. It could be another solicitor."
Matt sighed. He knew it was Edd but let his mother check anyway.
"Oh. It's Edd." she said smiling. Then she allowed Matt to open the door.
"Hi, Mrs. Harper!" Edd exclaimed with a wide smile.
Quickly, Matt hushed him with his index finger pressed against his lips. "The cat's asleep and we don't want her awake." he explained.
Edd nodded. "Hi Mrs. Harper." he repeated in a whisper.
Matt's mother giggled at Edd's correction of himself, although he did not have to whisper. Matt hurried out the door to grab his bike that sat on the porch and Edd followed, getting back on his bike. But before Matt could even push his bike out into the driveway, his mother called out, "What about my kiss, Matthew!"
Edd snickered and snorted while Matt exhaled and walked up to his mother. She bent down and allowed Matt to kiss her on her cheek. She smiled, straightening herself back up. "Thank you." she said, "And be very careful out there, you hear me?"
Matt nodded. "I will, okay?" he replied.
Matt's mother sighed but continued to smile. "I love you, Matthew."
"I love you too, mom."
And then Matt ran back over to his bike and rolled it out onto the driveway where he met up with Edd who continued to tease him about the whole "kiss on the cheek" incident.
Matt's mother waved goodbye as she watched her son and his friend ride farther into the neighborhood.

"John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt!" Edd and Matt sang as they rode together, "His name is my name too! Whenever he goes out, the people always shout, there goes John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt--la la la la la la la!" The two boys laughed before reaching Tom's house shortly. It was pretty convenient that they all lived in the same neighborhood, and not too far from each other as well.
"Are you getting the door?" Edd asked.
Matt shook his head. "Oh I couldn't," he replied, "My mom would sense that I got dog hair on my somehow, and make me take a million baths."
Edd snickered and playfully punched Matt's arm (in which Matt yelped) before leaving his bike out by the curb in front of Tom's house. Matt stayed on his bike and watched Edd walk up to the door slowly, carefully knocking on the door.
"Please don't be Red, please don't be Red, please don't be Red," Edd mumbled to himself.
The door opened and a huge Pyrenean Mastiff jumped onto Edd, licking his face. Then, Tom appeared, laughing. "C'mon Red!" he called, ushering the dog off of Edd (whose face was now covered in dog saliva) and quickly back inside before shutting the door.
"Does that thing ever close its mouth?" Edd asked, wiping his face.
"Sometimes. Usually when it's trying to shit." Tom joked, "That's when you should be worried."
Edd rolled his eyes and walked back over to Matt and where his bike stood. Tom grabbed his bike from the side of the house and hurriedly wheeled over to Edd and Matt. He hopped on and they all took off together.

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