Chapter 1

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Elizabeth was with her father, Robin, out in the woods and they were riding their horses. Elizabeth said laughing excitedly "I'm so excited to go to Camp WALDEN"., as she stopped her horse. "Of course you are sweetie" Robin said smiling as he stopped his horse. "But I will miss you daddy" she said. "  I know you will be sweetie and I will miss you" he said. Then Elizabeth  starts riding back to the house shouting  "Back to the house… who is faster?" and Robin thinks it is not fair seeing Elizabeth  was already ahead and he gallops after her . 

Elizabeth was laughing almost at the house and she said “Hoo Rose! as she stopped her chestnut mare at the stables while Robin finally caught up and said “really sweetie”.  “Yes Pa “ Elizabeth said with a victorious grin. “You totally cheated'' he said  chuckling and she said “no I didn’t “ and they went back and forth a bit. Elizabeth finally changes the subject by saying “do I have to meet Zelena?” And Robin said “I think it’s time that you do” and kissed his daughter's forehead. “I don’t want to… I want to meet momma” she confessed.

Robin said "it's not gonna happen " as he looked at Elizabeth  and all he could see was Regina and was thinking about her.   Elizabeth was very confused and she said “daddy you alright”. “Yes sweetie” he whispers and kisses her hair . “Daddy I’m hungry “she said  and he said “in a moment “ while they passed a Raven Black Arabian Mare which was named Raven. Raven was Regina’s horse and since Regina left no one saddled  her because she was unpredictable and unbelievably moody. 

“You know I think you can win the barrel race  regionals if you take Raven “ Robin whispers and thinks of Regina always Regina. “If you say so” Elizabeth said and got an apple real quick for Raven .

“Take care “ he warns her as Raven started to snap at her and laid her ears back. Elizabeth comes back after finding a red apple and gives it to her holding out her hands and at first She was nervous and sepectical and then she took it softly. 

Robin said nostalgic “”she is our fastest barrel racer in our stable , only ridden by the best and only from her”.

Elizabeth smiles thinking her father was missing her mother and thought maybe she should ride Raven. She asks, guessing " was it my mothers and she was the best?".

Robin said " yes it was , and yes she was" and then he asked Marian if she could fix Elizabeth something to eat, and Marian went to fix her favorite food.  Elizabeth decides to ride Raven for a bit   while getting to know her .

Sorry but is she really riding Raven?” Marian asks Robin. He goes over and says “Lizzy what are you doing , this horse is dangerous “."I'm not riding  her daddy, just getting to know her " Elizabeth explains, smiling softly .  "If you do ride her you will get hurt sweetie you understand?" Robin asks her.  "Yes pa, I understand " She said and thinks what is her daddy not telling her and then decides to ask her nanny. 

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