Chapter 9

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"Don't do it!" Marian whispers. Robin said "why not Marian, it's better to do it now while Elizabeth is gone".  "You still love her... don't do it!" she whispered.

"She wants me to stay out of her life " he said  and played the voice mail to Marian.

"So let me see why she said it... here we go... you offended her! You wished she would be dead!" she said. "Why did you even say that?" she asks.

Why do you think it would've made Everything simple?" Robin said and held the match in his hand.  " Give me that!" she said. Robin says "no Marian this is the only way to move on". " Give me that!" Marian said strictly .

Robin drops it and the room goes into flames destroying everything Regina's.

" Are you crazy Robin?" she asks. "It was the only way Marian and you know it" he walked away and deleted Regina's number off his phone.

" Everything about Regina... it's gone now... and you know it... and shall I tell you another thing... you already regret it!" Marian said

Robin said "you don't get it Marian". " Oh I get it... but stay in denial !" she said and he said "I'm not in denial she is ".  " You are the most stubborn people I ever met... you are both so stupid you could stand before each other look yourself in the eyes, even lay your lips at one another and you won't say that you still feel something for each other!" she said.

"It doesn't matter Marian " he goes out and heads to the stables and goes riding.

Marian sighs  and sends Will the burned camber.  Oh my Will texts  "Nothing left!" she texts him "He must've been upset" he wrote.

" He was!" she agreed .  "Well should I tell Regina " Will texts asking Marian. "You decide... I think they just faught!" she said ." Oh ok"  Will texts and went to Regina. She just said nothing and fought back her tears.

Meanwhile Marian ends up also texting Elizabeth telling her that her father lost his mind. Elizabeth text what do you mean? And that's when Marian sent the picture of the destruction and how the flames destroyed the entire room that had her mother's medals and trophies and pictures. Elizabeth ends up crying texting he wouldn't have done this and Marian texts he did Lizzy.


While Robin was riding visions haunted him.

Regina how she moaned sweetly in his mouth, how she was over him riding him just perfect, under him her nails digging into his shoulders, in the water their wet bodies united...

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