Chapter 10

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Robin had his hand in Regina's long hair , her eyes were already closed and she moved her hips unconsciously. He whispers " I love you Regina".

" I love you too!" she whispered and kissed him deep. Robin kisses Regina's neck and whispers sweet nothings in her ear , he also kept messing with her hair for a while. She said impatiently whispering " stop that and fuck me!". "You're impatient aren't we?" He whispers and smirks.

"Yes... and proud of it!" she said. "So you got over your shyness, your majesty?" Robin chuckles. " That's gone for years!" she huffed and thought back to their first time.

"If you say so your majesty" he smiles. " Yes I say so, thief!" she smiled.

The scene changed and he woke up alone hearing vomiting from the bathroom.

Robin said "Regina?". He didn't get a response but another vomiting. Robin goes over to her and says " Regina? What is wrong?". " Hey!" she whispered and leaned against the cold stone. "You okay?" He asks her.
" I don't feel well!" she confessed. Robin asks "what's wrong Gina?"
" Don't know.... Nausera, headache..." she whispered

"Well we did bow chick a bow wow" he chuckles trying to lighten the mood. " Can you just call it by its name... we had sex... like seriously how old are you!" Regina said, annoyed. Robin said "I was trying to lighten the mood" and he sighs thinking maybe I was wrong for trying.

"Plus we used protection!" she said. Did we think about it and for our second time?" Robin asks . " I cant remember..." she just said her voice was weak. Robin says" I don't think we did".

" This is getting worse and worse!" she said as she realized the meaning of his words. Robin said "it's ok I promise".
" It's not... what am I going to do??" she huffed. Robin said "I'm right here". She shoots him an evil glare. He hugs her while she asks whispering " What's about my career!".

"You can take a break and so will I then when kids get a bit older we can go back"Robin said.
" Wowow... stop the recording for a second... I don't even know if I am pregnant even with one child and you are talking about kids?" she huffed. Robin said "sorry but I was thinking ahead "." So you want kids with me?" she asks even a bit small.

" I love you "he said. " That wasn't an answer!" Regina said. Yes " Robin said . " I am a barrel racer... not a mother!" she whispered. "I know " he said. " God..." she huffed and threw up another time while Robin rubs her back . After she just fell back into his torso out of exhaustion. He smiles at her , and she asks "why are you smiling?" And he said to her "you're beautiful ". Regina said "I look like shit" and he said "you're still beautiful to me". " You are not getting a picture now!" she huffed sleepy and exhausted and Robin gets them. " hate you!" Regina huffed while Robin said "Love you too " and chuckles.

Scene changes again

Robin woke up and was making breakfast for Regina and it was Apple Pancakes. While cooking all he could hear was just frustrated crying from her. Robin went to Regina after he was done. " I am fat!" Regina said yelling . "Your pregnant and glowing " he said and kisses her forehead. " No look... she said as she let him see her god visible small bump... FAT!" she added.

That's small Regina " he said. " Fat!" she said. "Pregnant your majesty " he said and messed with her hair a bit . Regina mumbles something underneath her breath. Robin looks at her and asks "what?".

" Nothing!" she said. "Oh ok" he said, not convinced. She tries to zip up but it was already very uncomfortable because she always wore tight clothes , so Robin gives her one of his shirts to wear.

" What am I going to say to my mom?" she asks. Robin said "the truth". " You know Cora Robin!" she sighed. Robin said" it's better to tell her". "I want to break the contact... she would not support a pregnancy!" she whispered." How would you know that?" he asks her. "because i know her..." she whispered. Robin sighs "well it's up to you Regina". "I don't want to!" she whispered. Robin said "okay your majesty ".

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