Chapter 4

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"Did you say your last name was Mills? " Elizabeth asks Roberta and gasps. “Yes?? What is your problem ? It’s a normal name!” Roberta got in a defensive mood
Nothing is … I just watched a video on Regina Mills and her horse , Raven,  a few days ago Elizabeth said still rambling so she stopped talking.  

“Raven? I only know Firebolt … and barrel racing my mom is just show jumping since I can think of… stop trashing around will you?” She said 

“I’m not, I rode Raven and I guess she still does barrel races despite the incident she had where she almost died?" The short hair twin said , and thinks I shouldn't have said anything. 

"Just stay out of our life… will you  LOCKSLEY !" The long hair twin snapped and threw her hair back and then she started walking off heading to where she would stay . 

"It's not my fault daddy and mother got a divorce " and she curses underneath her breath thinking why do I always have to ramble . 

"WE are NOT Related" Roberta hissed and turned her back to Elizabeth. 

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