Chapter 18

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Meanwhile Elizabeth

She had cut the skirt out of anger knowing the plan was a fail and felt like an idiot. "I'm an idiot " Elizabeth said out loud while her father said "No you're not Elizabeth, and if you want to go home we can go". "Let's go home daddy" she said. "Why? Don't you like it?" he asks calmly. "I'm not in the mood, daddy " Elizabeth  confesses. "Well let's just stay a bit please , you might change your mind princess " Robin said smiling. They head back inside to the party.

He smiled and went to the stage. "This song is for you Regina!" he said. Elizabeth sighs softly hoping this wasn't a mistake and was kinda curious at the same time, Regina looks over and they both stare into each other's eyes for a brief moment.

Rivedo ancora il treno
allontanarsi e tu che asciughi quella lacrima.
Tornerò..."  he started to sing softly , and Regina smiled softly and was kinda frozen and Elizabeth was thinking'' I guess he knows some Italian then".

Com'è difficile un anno senza te.3
Adesso scrivi: «Aspettami, il tempo passerà,
un anno non è un secolo.»
Tornerò, com'è possibile, restare senza te.

She started to sing and went more to him after a moment. Roberta and Elizabeth watch and talk quietly among themselves.

Elizabeth and Regina think  if this is a joke i'm not falling for it.

(Sei, sei la vita mia,
quanta nostalgia, senza te,
tornerò, tornerò.)Robin sings while Elizabeth sighs quietly wanting to leave and walks away.

"Not falling for that!" Regina whispered to him but was walking more to him.

"I know" he said and added "At least share this dance with me ok?". "Why didn't you ask your girlfriend "she asks him.  "I want to dance with you" Robin said .
"Why is that to prove a point to Elizabeth" She asks. "No... it's just because I always liked dancing with you!" he said ." I always like dancing with you" Regina said. "So? See... we don't need to prove a point to anyone... will you give me that dance?" he asks.

"I suppose " Regina said smiling softly.

The dance was fast and they moved with each other perfectly.

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