Chapter 2

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"I want to  show you something" she said while taking Elizabeth to the stables, taking a deep breath and holding the key that belonged to the SPECIAL room that no one was allowed to go in. 

Elizabeth walks in looking around and sees pictures of her mother and her horse , her mother , her horse and her father and Regina was holding a goblet or a metal. "This is amazing " she said  

"Right … Your mother and Raven were known all over the country  as the Evil Queens of the barrel race world.  "Maybe I should compete" Elizabeth  said and thinks I could never live up to the expectations. 

"Maybe " Marian also said as nostalgic as Robin as she went to take out an old video which turned out to be the US open barrel races, specifically Regina's run… "Welcome with us are the evil queens of barrel racing … Regina  Mills with Raven !" The moderator said and that's when Elizabeth  saw it… her mother speeding the hell around the barrels even while laughing as she speeds Raven up more. 

"Wow I do look like my mother , and she is amazing " Elizabeth said 

"Yes she was " Marian said, smiling at the memories.  "What happened did she die?" She asks her nanny  and Marian explains that Regina nearly died because she loved Barrel racing so much and Raven wasn't an easy mare but she loved her , and once Regina came  out the hospital  your father  decided that he didn't want Regina to compete anymore and they both argued and she decided to leave and go to Europe… more specifically Italy and we haven't heard from her since then. 

"That makes sense " Elizabeth said nodding her head and then asks did she love me?"  "Yes she loved you two very much, you and your father very much" Marian added then cursed underneath her breath almost revealing to Elizabeth that she was a twin. But she was very young and wanted to be the best in everything,  sometimes that destroys something else.  

"Well to bad daddy is moving on with this Zelena woman" Elizabeth said sighing  "don't judge him ok?...  he wants to move on… that's what we do  " Marian smiles . " Im not judging daddy i'm just saying if he loves her why didn't he go after her " Elizabeth asks confused. 
Marian said “because he thought she didn’t want to see him again so that’s why he’s been with Zelena”. 

“I understand “ Elizabeth said and looked a bit disappointed but said “if I knew she had existed I would’ve gone to Italy myself to visit her”. “I bet you would’ve Lizzy” she said and adds “let’s just focus on getting you ready for camp”. "Wait is the camp in Italy?" Elizabeth was curious, and Marian said "no pumpkin its in Florida ". Elizabeth  sighs a bit disappointed, and nods, she  goes to get packed and tells her nanny “I lied about not riding Raven to daddy “. “Oh so you did ride her” Marian was surprised. "Yes I did, I thought she needed time out of the stables " she explains to Marian "you're not wrong Lizzy she does and helps Elizabeth pack. 


Robin was at the  stables and whispers "no way my daughter was gonna ride you before I did" and goes to saddle Raven and it brought him so many memories of Regina, and he was also smiling and felt like he was at peace. 

Time passes by 

At this point Elizabeth  was almost done packing and Marian whispers "Lizzy now this is what we don't see " and points out the window seeing Robin with Raven. Elizabeth whispers "at least daddy seems happy". "Yeah so it seems he is " her nanny said. 

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