Chapter 23

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Elizabeth was in the stables and then she decided to ride Raven while she was riding her Raven hits her off and Elizabeth falls off.  Good girl!  Regina thought and hated her at the same time for it, stopping the car and running  to Elizabeth.

She tries to slowly get up, " Are you hurt?" Regina asks gently and Elizabeth hates herself for trusting her suddenly and said "I'm alright" but was still shaking. " You are not!" Regina  whispered and smiled calmly at her daughter.

Robin comes over asking concerned "what happened?"."Why do you let her ride Raven?" Regina asks.

"I told her not to, she ignores that" Robin tells his ex wife . "Well..." Regina said concerned and she kneeled down to her daughter softly.
Elizabeth said  "she is cute and the first time I rode her for 20 minutes this didn't happen ". "  better stop riding do you feel!" Regina asks softly and sends Robin a deadly glare as he wants to interact.

"Good idea daddy was right   and I'm ok" Elizabeth said  and got up. " Good... slowly!" she said and helped her in a sitting position.
Elizabeth got up slowly as  Robin said  "told you Raven is unpredictable and  moody".

" Well now I know it!"she winced in pain. "I think I know why she probably  guessed the tension" He said to his daughter. " Probably... its important you are  safe!" Regina said to Elizabeth.
"I think daddy was right the first time I rode her there wasn't any" she explains to her mother ." Let's get you inside!" Regina said while Raven who recognised Regina immediately and greeted her  with a friendly huffing running to her. Elizabeth said "I'm  just gonna stay outside".

" You just fell off a horse... so lets check  if you have any injuries !" She said concerned for her .

Elizabeth said "im fine and why are you being nice to me " she looks in Regina's eyes. " Well... You always put words in my mouth I never said... you never let me be nice to you!" She said calmly. Elizabeth said  "im sorry I had let my stupid fantasies blind me"." It's ok little princess... " Regina whispered and hugged her. She hugs back crying thinking maybe all hope isn't gone.

" I've missed you!" Regina confessed and hugged her tightly and her daughter winced in pain still crying.

" Stay still!" Regina whispered and softened the hug. She didn't care about Robin and just hugged her daughter , Elizabeth.
Robin watches and then he takes a picture and sends it to Marian and it said after all this time and after Elizabeth fell off Raven for the first time due to tension that was felt . " You should be ashamed of yourself... and I am not gonna help you!" She wrote back after looking at the picture and text .

"I'm  not asking for help, I told her to move on" he wrote back. "Better for her...who wants somebody who wishes her dead... sorry... I am on her side there !" Marian texts .
Elizabeth wished the same at one point after trying to give up her fantasies Marian" Robin texts. "The difference is... she is allowed to do it because she is the daughter.... YOU not! Because you are just her ex!" she  responded. Well somehow Roberta ended up in the trunk of the car so Regina had to pick her up Robin responds.

"Yeah ... and you had to abandon her in front of your own daughter! You are one fuck of a father if I can say that Robin!" she texts
"No I didn't, I didn't know she was in there, until Regina came" he texts .
„ THAT DOES NOT MATTER! You are the father Robin!" she texts.
It kinda does matter and besides it was Regina's fault she chose to leave he texts .

"Stop getting lame excuse and man up to your mistakes!" Marian ended and shut her phone.

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