Chapter 8

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Meanwhile  Robin was with Zelena and said ''I'm gonna check my phone." Ok" she said and was still in her afterglow, Robin got off the bed and checked his phone and he still had Regina's number in it and he decided to text her.

Robin : Hello your majesty

Regina responds  with " After all these  years outlaw?"

Robin : well better late than never right?

Regina : I suppose!

Robin : "I'm sorry I never went after you that day all those years ago "

Regina:" Please tell me, your new one is right beside you and you still chose  to write to me..." she went ahead and didn't answer his previous confirmation.

Robin: "I chose to still write you and she in the room why?"

Regina: because it makes me feel special and plus  wanted

Robin:"Well I never stopped thinking about you and especially your  long hair that smelled like apples "

Regina:" What if this hair is short and smells like flowers now?"

Robin: "What are you implying your majesty "

Regina:"That I cut my hair and changed shampoo "

Robin:''Oh really?"

Regina:" Yes really!"

Robin :"Well changes are a good thing "

Regina :" I suppose!"

Robin :"Also Elizabeth hair always smells like apples but her hair is short"

Regina: " Good to know!" she smiled

Robin : "Yeah she's like you in alot of ways"

Regina : " Well I am her mother!" she smiled

Robin : "Yeah though you weren't around she still has crazy fantasy

Regina smiled as she read it

Robin : "She wants her mother back ,but truth is I still can't tell her everything "

Regina : What?

Robin : Elizabeth only saw a few videos with you in it

Regina : " So?? I don't get the problem... "

Robin :"The problem is  how do we move on from here?"

Regina : " We don't move on!"

Robin :"I don't follow Regina"

Regina : "very simple... there is nothing we have together anymore... we don't have to do anything!"

Robin :"So i guess I'm  gonna lie to Elizabeth and break her heart then that's what your saying"

Regina : "I don't even know what you would have to lie about!"

Robin: "The fact that you chose to abandon Elizabeth and didn't love her"

Regina: „ What's that supposed to mean?? I do love our daughters equally! And you know it!" she snapped

Robin :"Forget it Regina "

Regina: "Yeah ... I better do... because what you said wasn't right now... you know!"

Robin : "Sometimes  I actually wished you died that day so I didn't have to tell Elizabeth everything "

"You know what... get the hell out of my life!" she send a voice mail

Robin sighs and thinks fine, maybe I should burn that room  and go to get  the  gasoline and matches.

"If you would have followed me... I would not have thought twice about going back to you. Because I never wanted another man... I was always single... all these years. But... go on... blame everything on me... angel!!" Regina said

Robin goes to the room and that's when Marian walks by and asks "Robin what are you doing?".

Robin said "moving on Marian and you should move out the way "  and he pours the gasoline.

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