Chapter 16

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4 weeks later

The girls have been training hard and finally the day has arrived.

Elizabeth said" I look ridiculous". "No... you look like me!" Roberta said. "I hate skirts"  she sighs pacing while her sister said "  calm down... today is just the festival... you can still be you!" . Elizabeth nods and breathes before heading outside.

The music was good and the mood was serene.

Elizabeth asks "do you think mama loves me?" and Roberta said "I am sure she does " while her sister nods .

They had fun but were  also excited and they started looking for both Robin and Regina or at least Regina because they knew she was definitely gonna show up based on what Roberta told Elizabeth.

Elizabeth messes with her skirt because she was nervous while "Stop that!" Roberta said as she watched Elizabeth for a bit.

"She is here!" Roberta says and pointed at a beyond beautiful trained woman who looked exactly like them.

Elizabeth goes up to the woman leaving Roberta alone to wait for Robin.

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