Chapter 26

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Robin followed and said "you found anything?"

" A hidden video!" Elizabeth said and started it

Regina was on START with Raven and her whole body seemed already exhausted.

Robin decides not to watch and decides to go out for a ride, and Elizabeth whispers "I think something is wrong mom".
" I know... and I know why... but don't worry... I am tough... !" she said.  Elizabeth  said "this hidden video is the one where you almost died right ?".

Robin said "we don't  have to watch it though this  might actually clear you up on the argument Lizzy".  " Let her!" Regina said and together they watched her speed up to the barrels. Robin said "well get Roberta in here as well if she's not".
Elizabeth texts Roberta. I found a hidden video that wasn't destroyed in the flames. Come watch it with me and mom.

Roberta got there as well and they saw their mother racing, until she suddenly had no power anymore in her body and couldn't follow Raven's movements so that she flew in a high bow against the fence.
" Gina!" they heard Robin through the loudspeaker and then  they saw Robin come closer.

Elizabeth whispers to Roberta "see daddy does care".

He was kneeling beside Regina and also Raven came closer to her owner and poked her softly, suddenly very calm

Elizabeth rubs her sides a bit still watching and said "I don't blame daddy for not watching it again".

" This is not funny Regina!" they heard him trying to wake her.

Elizabeth lays her head on her mothers legs.

They watched the paramedics went in and pick up Regina and put her in the ambulance.

Elizabeth said "geez I hate being right". " What?" Regina asks her. "I can't believe I was right about this video being the one where you almost died" Elizabeth said. Regina just nodded but knows that's not the real reason  even though it was part of it. 

Elizabeth said "at least this one didn't get destroyed in there but that means the other one probably did". But turns out it was actually in Robin's bedroom.

Yeah !" Regina said and Elizabeth went to and fathers bedroom and said "hang on maybe it wasn't" . What are you searching for now ?" Roberta asks. "The baby video duh" Elizabeth said. " You mean the birth?" Roberta whispered to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth said "it was in his bedroom, well I had to know if it got destroyed or not so I went in his room " She thinks I  might get in trouble for that but oh well and whispers to Roberta l" I'm  gonna get their wedding video next don't worry ".

" I want to see that now!" she whispered to her younger twin. The wedding one Elizabeth whispered." I think Marian hid that somewhere so I  will talk to her later about that one. "

" I want to see THIS video in the TV now!" Roberta said. "Oh the birth one ok" Elizabeth said. " At least until things get too dirty right?" she asks.

"I want to see all the way through " Elizabeth giggles." Really?" Roberta raised her eyebrows. The younger twin puts it in saying"yes" and both of them watch it.

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