Chapter 32

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Meanwhile Regina ends up finding the movie "Escort in Love/ Nessuno mi puo giudicare. "I also saw Elizabeth in the kitchen" Robin said to her . " She can't accept a kindly no can't she?" she asks him. "I don't think that's what's it about but I didn't ask her" he said. Regina just tensed up in addition. I think she's upset ,and Elizabeth is just like you Regina it's scary" Robin explains. "What is that supposed to mean?" she asks."Trust me I thought it was preteen  mood swings with her" he said. " I am sorry?" Regina raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"You know  what I mean but guess I'm wrong it's more than that" Robin said. " Your point?" She asks him still confused. "Maybe she's  gonna be distant now" he said. " Ok..." Regina said. " Well I hope not but still" he said." We will see, I guess!" she said . "Yeah  we will " Robin said as they watched the movie further and Robin was more and more fascinated by the woman by his side.


Elizabeth kept going and came around a spot where someone craved" a Mi vuoi sposare?" ( Do you want to marry me?) In an old, big tree which Elizabeth saw and stopped to get a closer look and thinks oh my goodness and decides to take a picture of it.

" It was their Love language... Italian was their love language!" Roberta whispered with excitement. "You scared me "Elizabeth said to Roberta. "Do you know what this means americana?" Roberta was the excited  one now and pointed at the Italian sentence. "Oh and yes I do it means do you want to marry me" Elizabeth said.

" You are good!" Roberta said. "I secretly sometimes have watched some Italian romance movies " Elizabeth explains to her sister. "Oh really that's good Lizzy" Her sister said smiling.  " Yeah I did it for two years when my daddy left  or wasn't around thinking he was gonna be upset " Elizabeth said. "Well you didn't know mother was half Italian anyway".Roberta said. "Okay true what doesn't he know wouldn't have killed him anyway " the younger twin said giggling a bit . " So you tried not to let him know?" she asks.

"Exactly even Marian would watch with me sometimes " Elizabeth said. " Ok...." Roberta said and rode nearer...
" oh my goodness... how romantic..." she whispered as there was a " Si" and " No" under it and there were clear signs of an arrowhole at Si. Elizabeth goes over and looks and takes more pictures.

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