Chapter 25

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"I can't believe I said that" Elizabeth said, stunned still. " Don't worry... nothing happened!" Regina said, rubbing her back gently. She nods thinking to herself.

Robin went to Regina and said "did Elizabeth just"... " She wants you to confess your love for me I guess... but don't worry... don't do it... I don't want it... after all you said!" Regina said still pissed at Robin. He sighs, while Elizabeth leaves the room and heads to the burned room.  " But hey... maybe through a miracle you could man up and do the first step... like  I don't know:apologize ?" Regina asks him.

Meanwhile Regina and Robin where still near each other

" Marian? Where is she?" She suddenly asks him trying to change the subject. " With Will"Robin said assuming. " They went off together?" Regina raises an eyebrow. " Yes and that's besides the point Regina stop trying to change the subject" Robin said . "Well I'm sorry if I don't want to continue talking about what you did Robin , you burned down all the medals and memories in my saddle room" Regina said pissed off again. " On the brightside  Elizabeth got to see the room before  it happened " Robin said. " And Roberta?" She whispered.  "Have her ask Elizabeth  she probably got pictures of what it looked like before it happened " he said.

" That does not matter... maybe Roberta would have liked to see it in reality?" Regina said.  "Well you said and I quote from the voicemail  stay the hell out my life " Robin said. " Because you deleted me... Robin there is always another side. A counterpart... It takes two to tango! I  am tired of telling this to an adult Robin... you know life!" she responds. Robin response "well none of this would've happened if you didn't left that day so after having that room there for 11 years I thought moving on by burning it was for the best".

" I will let you believe if it makes you happy!" she said calm. Robin laughs "you thought that made me happy doing that ". " No... never said that... I am just completely fed up to reply the truth to you... so have it your way!" she said.

"Well I think you were implying that" he said. " You are misreading me quite a huge amount of times...doesn't make you more attractive to me you know!" Regina joked trying to find some humor in this conversation. "I'm not even trying, you know" Robin said. " Completely aware!" she says. " Glad we on the same page" he says. " yeah!" Regina said while Robin looks at her. "What?" she asks. He shakes his head saying nothing." You have that look!" she said. "What look are you referring to" he said totally confused. " Desire!" she said.

Robin rolls his eyes  chuckling  "that's the last thing on my mind ". " Your eyes can't lie!" she just said and widened her neckline a bit on purpose as she scratched her neck.Robin said "your totally doing it on purpose". " And you love it!" Regina replied as a matter of facts.

"I'm finding it incredibly annoying " He said annoyed and slightly upset. " Than WHY don't your eyes leave my breasts and my hips alone?" she said as much annoyed as him."Fine whatever  Regina I'm sure Roberta probably gonna have more questions  no wait that's probably more Elizabeth style" he said.

" I want to see if something is left!" she said and as she walked in the stables to her camber there was Elizabeth holding a Video in her hands.

" It was in a heat resistant box... it could work!" she guessed.

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