Chapter 27

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They started to watch ...

Robin was messing with Regina's hair and holding her hand whispering " you are not even complaining about me messing with your hair!" . "Well my hair still probably gonna look like a hot mess during this , plus I don't have the strength for arguing with you right now" Regina said feeling exhausted while waiting. " You are so adorable, your majesty "he said. " Firstly I am in pain... and this... HURTS.... Damn it!" she cursed.

"Everything will be alright  and you can sleep all you want after this is over" Robin said smiling at her. " Not helping!" Regina huffed. "Well it's better for me to be talking than not right Gina '' he asks her. " Hate you!" she closed her eyes in pain. "Love you too  your majesty " he rubs her hand." Ou...oowww" a contraction came and the peak made her cry out. " It's ok you can do this "  Robin smiles at her.  " It's only the beginning and I am already about to lose my head!"  Regina huffed.

"Think of this like your other competitions " he whispers. " This is much more hurtful than being thrown off a horse and the injury later". She said. "I am talking about the finish line " Robin said. " And I am talking about a pain I never felt before!" Regina snapped back. "Well ok this isn't working" he said ." No it's not... and you know why? I am in pain, I am scared and I have nausea and I am weak!" she said.

"I was trying to distract  you from that but I think I'm gonna try and shut up right  now" Robin sighs disappointed. " Can you bring me something to vomit into?" Regina asks softly. "Ok" he goes to get a bucket.

" Regina... everything will be fine!" They heard Marian's  voice behind the video. Robin comes back with a bucket and " It's better now!" Regina whispered thankfully and grabbed his hand. Robin smiles at her. 

" You really want to watch this... mom is already on her edge!" Roberta whispered, already regretting it at this point. "Yes" Elizabeth whispers, not regretting it.

The video went ahead and Regina got more and more uncomfortable , and Robin rubs her hand.

Elizabeth adjusts herself  trying to get  comfortable.

" Friendly reminder... You are not the one uncomfortable here!" Regina, in the video,  and Roberta in reality said, at the same time.

Elizabeth said " I'm fine watching this, just my sides still hurt from being thrown off Raven".  They watched ahead and Regina got more and more vocal , while Robin was staying  quiet. 

They went through the room and at some point the water broke. Elizabeth said" I don't think I want kids".

" I guess every woman knows what is coming!" she said.

"I guess this is where everything gets messy" Elizabeth said.

A few minutes later

" What are you...  Stop that now!" Regina said as she entered the room.
Robin had come back and asked Regina "stop what?" .
" They are watching their birth!" She said. "Should I be concerned or happy here" he asks confused.

" Concerned!" Regina snapped because it wasn't exactly a easy birth.
"Well at least that video wasnt destroyed" Robin said .
" Stop that! That's OUR privacy!" Regina said still pissed about everything. "Not really i was gonna show Elizabeth sooner or later" Robin explains to his ex wife.

" Well maybe I AM UNCOMFORTABLE with it?" she explains to him. 

Elizabeth was still watching and said  "okay thats alot of blood" when it gets to the first one. 
Regina grabbed the remote and stopped it.

Elizabeth said "please mom".  " Can you just... respect my decision?" she asks .
"Like I had to respect the fact that you left me for 11 years" Elizabeth counters. " Is that gonna be in the house from now? No? Like it was one of the most horrible pains I ever felt and I don't want you to watch it!" she said sighting.

"Well mine was having reality hitting hard " Elizabeth said sighing. " Not gonna beg my daughter not to watch something concerning one of my most private Moments in my life!" Regina said. "Well its apart of my life to " Elizabeth said.
Robin said "Elizabeth has a point Regina"." No she hasn't! Help me out here... it has a reason I don't want her to watch and you of all should know it best! So please be useful and start parenting now!" she said.

Elizabeth said" so it's not because of the blood"." 100 points to Elizabeth... do you want a medal?" Regina asks. "They are gonna find out one way or another Regina" Robin said.Elizabeth says "whatever secrets you hide I will find out so let's watch".

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