Chapter 29

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Elizabeth goes to find the video because she had to know just out of curiosity.

" I swear if you search for the video I am gonna kill you!" Roberta texts her twin. Elizabeth texts oh so you get to know but I don't what's up with that?.

" I know as much as you... just.... Let it be... obviously it was something very life changing to both of our parents! So please leave it!" She said.

"Again what if it's my fault " Elizabeth texts . " Than it does not concern you but them! Because they will never blame you. So leave it!" Roberta said. How do you know they won't and if it were reversed would you want to know " Elizabeth texts. 
" No I would not!" Roberta decided. "Well I'm not you" Elizabeth texts and then she looks around for the video.


" What's with Zelena?" Regina asks Robin. "Not much we got together like 3 years ago" he explains to Regina. Regina nods and says "at least you're happy Robin". "Is that what you really think Regina , I did it for Elizabeth's sake, that's why I moved on". He explains to her. 

Elizabeth goes down and Regina sees her and said "What do you think you're doing Elizabeth?" . " I have to know and you can be angry or blame me  for all I care" she said .  "Regina, so should we tell her or let her watch for herself? " Robin asks his ex wife.

"We are not gonna watch it "she whispers . "We don't have to  but  she will unless we tell her ourselves and you said we should be parenting right now so lets start with the truth for her "Robin said.

Elizabeth said "daddy right I will watch it and find out if I have to ".

" Lizzy... no!" he whispered as he felt Regina shake in his arms. "Then tell me please" Elizabeth said. Regina sighs and said "fine it was about you Elizabeth ok but it doesn't matter now ok little Princess ". She nods saying  "so it was my fault  then  I already kinda had the idea". "Yes ok!" Regina said, staring at her daughter. "I'm sorry" Elizabeth said looking down a bit and then hands the video back. " It's ok, and thank you  "'she said and hugs her."You're welcome " Elizabeth said hugging back not complaining about her side.
Robin scooped Regina back for the tango.Elizabeth giggles and watches them.
" They are fucking professionals!" Roberta whispered to Elizabeth as they stomped and twirled around just perfectly.
"Yes they are and I was right it was my fault "Elizabeth whispers.

" Let's give them privacy ok?" she asks. "She almost died because of me" Elizabeth said.
" She will never hate you for that and she is good now!" Roberta said. "I know"  Elizabeth said still feeling guilty .

The evening went on and the girls went to bed.

" Do you want to... I don't know... to watch the birth video? Maybe it helps you to overcome your trauma, if you see it as the 3rd person?" Robin asks as he fills Regina's wine glass with red wine.

I guess Regina said and they head upstairs to the bedroom.Regina and Robin started the video and she was already breathing a bit.
" Hey... deep breath in, deep breath out ok? You are safe here!" he said softly to her.
Regina nods deep breathing in and out. " Coms here!" he whispered and held his arm open and she holds his hand going in his arms.
Robin whispers" it's ok" and held her hand rubbing it.

She grabbed her wine glass and drank it in one go. Robin smiles at Regina and thinks to himself ok maybe I'm an idiot.


" Hell this hurts... owwww!" She cries out as Roberta's head slowly finds its way outside with her pushes.

Robin said "you got it Regina you're doing great".
She just closed her eyes and pushed crying, crushing his hand for sure. He strokes her hair and said one more to go.

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