(56) Perfect

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Hey guys!
I know this isn't a continuation of 'Shipped Off', but I had this idea last night and had to write about it lol

:-:High School AU (Ahk's POV):-:

"And then...BOOM! I single-handedly talked my way out of detention!" Jedidiah proudly says, placing his hands on his hips.

"So then why weren't you at lunch?" Octavius asks with an inquisitive look on his face.

Jed scratches the back of his neck. "Weeellll...I did get out of detention, but that was in exchange for spending lunch scraping gum off of the chairs." He brushes it off. "Totally worth it."

"Gross! That doesn't sound like it was worth it!" Octavius exclaims.

"Aww, what do you know?" Jedidiah turns to his friend Ahkmenrah, who seemed to be lost in another world. "What do you think, Ahk?"

Ahkmenrah doesn't respond and only continues to stare off in the distance at the crowds of students gathering their books for class.


Jedidiah waves his hand in front of Ahkmenrah's face. "Earth to Ahk? You in there?"

Ahk quickly snaps out of his trance and meets Jedidiah's gaze. "What? What's wrong?"

"What in the world are you so enthralled by?" Octavius asks.

Ahkmenrah's eyes widen. "Nothing!"

Jed looks at him and then follows Ahk's gaze. The blonde-haired boy sighs. "Oh no...not this again..."

"What is it?"

"This is bad..." Jedidiah continues, completely ignoring Octavius's question.

"What's bad? Don't you dare exclude me!" Octavius threatens.

Jedidiah doesn't say anything and only turns Octavius's head so he was looking at what--or rather who--Ahk was so fixated on. "OOOHHHHH" He exclaims, finally putting two and two together.

Ahkmenrah was longingly gazing at the most popular girl in school, (Yn) (yln). She was practically perfect. With perfect looks and perfect grades, she was either envied or adored by everyone in the school. The boy was hopelessly in love with her.

"C'mon man! I thought you were over this!" Jed says with a sigh.

"Well, I was...until this came out." Ahk finally looks away from his crush long enough to pull a blue flyer out of his pocket. He hands it to Jedidiah and Octavius without another word.

"PROM?!" Jed exclaims. "You're asking (Yn) to-"

Ahkmenrah slaps his hand over Jedidiah's mouth before he could embarrass him any further.

Octavius speaks up. "She's principal Daley's daughter! How do you expect to ask her to Prom? She's turned down like four guys this week!"

Ahk sighs. "Exactly. Even if I could somehow work up the courage to talk to her, there's so the way she'd say 'yes' to me."

"Well not with that attitude there's not," Jedidiah says while wrapping an arm around Ahk's shoulder. "You just need to grow some confidence in yourself!"

"How am I supposed to do that?"

Jedidiah smiles. "By, y'know, actually talking to her."

Ahkmenrah's cheeks turn bright pink at the thought. "I can't do that!"

Octavius smirks and fist bumps Jed. "Don't worry, my friend, we'll give you a head start."

"Hey (yn!)" Jed calls to the (hc) girl, who was talking to one of her friends. "Over here!"

Moonlight's Secret (Ahkmenrah x Reader Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now