year 1 | chapter 1

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yer a wizard Harry, and yer a witch Harper.

Harry and I woke up to another day in paradise, the Dursley home. We were rudely awoken by Dudley stomping his way down the staircase above our room as he usually does, with the sole purpose being to annoy us.

Harry tugged on the string to turn on the light and put on his glasses. I sat up, slowly stretching and yawning. Our room under the stairs, if you can even call it that, was very cramped and there was only space for the mattress the two of us slept on. We had some shelves in there for a few belongings, but other than that, we had nothing.

"Wake up, cousins! We're going to the zoo!" Dudley shouted, stomping up and down again, causing dust to on fall on our heads.

Harry opened the door and attempted to leave when Dudley ran by laughing and pushed him back inside. I groaned loudly as Harry landed on my legs, and Dudley kept laughing hysterically.

"Such an arsewipe," I muttered to Harry, causing him to laugh.

We walked into the kitchen where I was grossly reminded that it was our cousin's birthday by our Aunt Petunia rubbing noses with him.

"Why don't you two just cook the breakfast and try not to burn anything," Petunia said in a much sterner voice than she had just used to greet her son.

"Yes, Aunt Petunia," we both said in unison, starting to work on the breakfast. Harry worked on the bacon while I made the eggs. We made a great team, honestly.

"I want everything to be perfect for my Dudley's special day!" Petunia continued, guiding Dudley away with his eyes covered.

"Hurry up!" Uncle Vernon shouted at us as we began plating the meal. "Bring my coffee, boy!" Vernon demanded. It's like we were their slaves.

"Yes, Uncle Vernon," we responded together. It was something we were quite good at, talking at the same time. Maybe it's because we were twins or maybe it's because we were so close, both figuratively and literally sleeping under the stairs together.

"Ooh! Aren't they wonderful, darling?" Petunia asked, uncovering Dudley's eyes to showcase the pile of presents they had bought him while Harry and I didn't get so much as a room.

"How many are there?!" Dudley demanded as Harry and I brought breakfast over.

"36. Counted them myself," Vernon answered, grinning cheekily.

"36?! But last year—last year I had 37!" Dudley screamed, causing Harry and I to flinch.

"Yes, well, some of them are quite a bit bigger than last year's," Vernon said nervously, trying to calm down his spoiled brat of a son. I rolled my eyes.

"I don't care how big they are!" Dudley continued screaming in his father's face. If Harry or I so much as disagreed with them we were in a hell of a lot of trouble, but Dudley was allowed to do whatever he wanted. Rubbish really.

"Oh, now, now, now, this is what we're going to do," Petunia said, crouching down in front of him, "is that when we go out, we're going to buy you two new presents. How's that, pumpkin?"

Harry and I gave each other a look, silently communicating that this was the most ridiculous thing we'd ever seen. We'd both kill for just one birthday present really.

Once Dudley finally calmed down, Harry and I ate breakfast at the counter while the other three ate the breakfast we made together at the table.

Once we finished, Harry and I got ready for the exciting day where we got to do whatever Dudley wanted.

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