Chapter 9

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~6 weeks later~

Charlie's POV:
After flushing the toilet for what feels like the hundredth time this week, I realize I can no longer ignore the inevitable. My boobs are sore, my emotions are a little haywire and I'm 2 weeks late. So I dig in my bathroom cabinet for the pregnancy test I bought a few days ago for a few minutes before finding it. I quickly rip open the package and proceed to take the test. Once finished I replace the cap on it, wash my hands and set the timer. After what feels like forever the timer goes off. I take a deep breath and look at the test. The word 'pregnant' is plain as day in the little window. "Well fuck!" I say to myself as I get rid of the trash and put the test in a ziplock bag. I put it in my nightstand for now and head back to shower since Gunnar will be here soon so we can head to campus. Fifteen minutes later I'm showered and dressed in some leggings and one of Gunnar's black shirts when my phone goes off letting me know he's here. I quickly grab the test out of the drawer and stuff it in my bag as I head downstairs. I know I can't hide this from him and as much as I love the girls, he's the father so he's going to be the first to know about it. I step outside noticing him standing next to his truck waiting for me so he can help my short ass in the truck. I quickly walk over to him wrapping my arms around him. "You ready to go" he whispers out to me so I say "yeah" as he opens the door and lifts me up into his truck. After we're both buckled in he heads for campus. It's awkwardly quiet when I see a park. "Can we stop at the park?? I really need to talk to before we get around everyone else." I say as he looks at me funny before turning into the parking lot for the park. "What's going on babe? You're acting weird" he says nervously "I need you to close your eyes so I can give it to you so close them and hold out your hand. Don't open them til I tell you" I tell him with a sigh and wait for him to comply. He closes his eyes, holding his hand out while I grab the test from my bag and set it in his hand. "Go ahead open your eyes" I tell him softly. He opens his eyes and freezes. "Baby is this what I think it is?" He asks me and all I can do is nod. " I'm gunna be a dad? We're having a baby?" He says and I nod again. Next thing I know I'm pulled across the seat and placed on his lap as he kisses me and tells me how much he loves me. This sets off my tears and he stops "what's wrong?" He asks with concern "nothing it's the hormones" I say as I let the tears fall. "Oh baby there's no need to cry. We made this baby out of love and even though we're young we have a great support system." He tells me before kissing me passionately. "As much as I want to sit here all day loving you we unfortunately have to go to class baby" he says as he goes to put me back in my seat. I immediately cling to him "no I want to be close to please don't let me go" I whisper out "oh is my baby already needy today" he asks earning a nod from me as he pulls me back against him. "Better babe" he asks "yup now let's go I think we're late" I say as we leave the lot and make our way to our original destination.

Gunnar's POV:
I can't believe I'm going to be a dad. I'm so happy Charlie is having my baby. I love her so damn much it hurts. I wonder if she wants to keep this a secret or let our close friends know about it. "Baby I just thought of something. Did you want to tell the gang about the baby? I mean I'm good with whatever you are comfortable with but I do know how the girls are going act if they find out from someone else." I tell as we pull into a space by everyone else's car. "Hmmm I guess we should tell them but not here cause even though I don't care what people think, I don't need everybody on campus in our business" she says as she grabs her bag before I pull her out of the truck and into my arms. "Am I carrying you today baby?" I ask her as she puts her face in my neck. "Yes the baby has made me so sick that I'm just drained. I can hear everything going on around us but I'm too tired to open my eyes" she tells me as I walk us into the building and to our first class. I look at the clock above the door and we are 15 minutes late. I open the door and everyone looks up at us and before I can say anything to the professor I notice we have a sub today. I mumble out a 'sorry' before walking to the back where our friends are sitting. "Hey can I your notes later on. Charlie can't keep her eyes open at the moment." I whisper at Dean earning a quick nod from him. Thank god it's just a few worksheets today cause the baby is taking a lot out of my baby. I kiss the side of her head as I look into OB/GYN doctors in the area. Pretty soon the bell rings and I wait til most of the class leaves before carrying my babies out of the room and to the next class. Luckily I'm in most of Charlie's classes or this would be tough. I make it on time to this class and head to the back where Chase and Jax are sitting just ready to get this shit over with.


Charlie's POV:
I finally feel a little better and I'm starving. Gunnar goes and grabs a couple sandwiches and some juice as fried food might not agree with me. We start eating our lunch when Cassidy runs over to our table. "Tall people help hide me from those damn man whore twins, Aiden? Bear? Frankie? Help please" she rushes out. As they all nod their heads the doors open just as she slides in between Bear and Aiden while Frankie tosses her hoodie on her to cover her bright hair. We all continue eating and talking like nothing is going on when the twins decide to come over here. Sami, Maya, Lina and Ari block them from coming any closer to the table. "Hey ladies what's going on? We were just looking for Cassidy. Have you seen her ?" They both ask while still looking around the room. "She's not here and even if she was we definitely wouldn't let you near her til you both straighten the fuck up!" Sami snaps at them. Ohhh they fucked up then if she's already like that. "What the hell?? We didn't do anything to her Sami. We are trying to fix things with her but we're having some difficulty" Will says " if I were her I'd be avoiding you too. She had to watch you two blow her off for one slut after another for years. If it was me I would of kicked your ass already" Maya tells them "we know we have a lot to make up to her but she won't give us a chance" Wyatt whispered out "okay well you guys need to do a few things to show her you are changing for her" Lina tells them "yeah like for starters delete all of your damn booty calls numbers out of your phone, block em if you have to. Get your asses tested ASAP! And I firmly suggest you remove all of the pics and videos of you and others girls from everything." Ari says just as a couple girls that the twins have ducked with have walked over. "Hey guys we were looking for you. We haven't hung out in a long time and we missed you" one of the sluts said trying to run herself up on Will while Wyatt takes her friends hands off of him. "No thanks we're good. Some of the lacrosse guys need to blow off some steam though." Will says as he frees himself from her grasp stepping closer to the girls. Wyatt's ass is basically hiding behind the girls like scared little kids making me giggle out loud at both of them. Gunnar smiles at me before we continue to watch the show. Next thing I know Tommy stands up having enough of the drama, grabs the twins and drags them of the lunchroom while the girls come back to the table. I hear someone sniffling and look at Cassidy " that's the shit I want to avoid. They've fucked with so many girls that everywhere they go they get approached. I can't go out with them only be reminded daily about their past. It's like a slap to my face every time." She tells us as she takes the napkin Maddox hands her. Aiden stands up saying something about helping his brother with the idiots and walks out. Frankie, Oakley and Dylan try to calm Cassidy down and I'm sitting her stuffing my face glad no one is paying attention to my behavior. "Babe I'm ready to go can we just head out for the day? I want to lay down and sleep until everyone shows up later" I tell him as I throw out my trash. He nods his head, says something to Gage before grabbing our stuff and heading out to the parking lot. As soon as we get into the truck I buckle up and rest my head on the window before everything goes black.

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