Chapter 24

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Dylan's POV:
I'm sitting here waiting for my name to be called when I hear Naomi telling Maddox to move before she pisses herself making me laugh to myself. Chase is going over his notes for his upcoming finals on his phone. I'm lucky I only have two finals this semester one of which I can do online. The other one I have to do in person yay me. I see Maddox walk to the front with pictures in his hands, they must of found out what they were having. I wave to him earning a friendly nod in return as Naomi waddles out to meet him. She rushes them out, not surprising making me laugh again. "Babe those two I swear" I tell Chase as he closes out of his school app. "I heard they moved into his parents house just until they graduate. His roommates weren't as cool about Naomi and the baby as he thought." Chase tells me as they finally call my name. "Well with the large family we're in they will definitely have the help and support." I say as the nurse takes us back to get all of my vitals and weight. "Baby we are going to be okay. The guys and I are renovating our huge house so all of us can live together and have support. Most of our parents are business owners, CEOs or are from old money so we are all good. Plus all of us have been working since we were 15 and have saved our money. I've saved roughly $90,000 dollars so we are set now let's go find out what we are having." Chase tells me as the nurse takes us to a room and lets us know the tech is running behind but will be in shortly.
Ten minutes later the tech rushes into the room. "Sorry for being late folks. Dylan lay down for me and lift up your shirt so we can see what you're having" she says while squirting the cold gel on my tummy. "Alright let's see if we can tell what you're having" she tells us while sliding the Doppler over my tummy before she stops just to the right of my bellybutton "you see that there?" She asks us "yes" we we say "well it looks like you are having a little girl. Congratulations!!" I smile at Chase that is trying to wipe the happy tears away from his eyes. "I'm printing off some pictures for you guys to keep. Go ahead and make your next appointment for a few weeks out. Congratulations again!" She says as she prints the images. "Baby I'm going to the bathroom can you handle the appointment for me?" I ask Chase as I fix my sweats. "Yeah Babygirl I'll take care of it" he says as he pecks my forehead as I quickly make my way to the nearest bathroom. A girl. I can't believe we are having a little girl. I finish up my business and make my way up front where Chase is waiting for me. "I'm hungry baby. Can we go to Chipotle I want some of their queso and a burrito bowl." I tell him as we head over to the car. "That sounds good babe. We can get your favorite smoothie from Tropical Cafe too and then I'd like a nap. Studying this much should be a damn crime" he says as we make our way to get food.
~a hour later~
"Babe I know your eating for 2 but this is intense" Chase says as he sets the bags of food down. What should of been a trip to two places wound up being 4 places and they were busy. "Sorry but your daughter wanted barbecue wings and cheese ravioli too. It's not my fault" I tell Chase with a small pout. "Woman you're lucky I love you and just want to take a nap or we would be working through something right now" he says as he digs into his steak burrito bowl. My baby must of gotten his man period with how he's acting today. These finals are really stressing him out more than I thought they were. I begin scarfing down my food until there's only a handful of wings and a few raviolis. I follow Chase to our bedroom where we both strip down to our underwear and climb under the covers. With the stress of the day and our full bellies, sleep doesn't take long to overtake us.

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