Chapter 31

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Toni's POV:
Today is the day of my vasectomy and I'm a little nervous but I'll do anything for my wife. Kia is taking me today since my brothers have to be at the company til 1 pm before coming home for the kids. Tristan, Tyson and myself decided to not go to each other's procedures or know about what happened during said procedure so we don't psych ourselves out. Or I should say Tristan doesn't want to know anything cause he's a big baby and will blow off the whole thing. Kia walks in with a glass of water and the very high dose of Percocet I need to take before we leave. She pecks my lips "You're amazing grey eyes. Thank you for doing this. I know having surgery on your nuts is never on the top of a mans to-do list" she says as I take the pills and wash them down with the water. "You know I would do anything for you love and didn't have somewhere to be I'd show you exactly what I mean" I whisper huskily in her ear before heading out to the car. Twenty minutes later we arrive at the doctor's and I can tell the drugs are starting to work. Kia checks me in and one of the nurses takes me to one of the private rooms to get me ready for the procedure. Fifteen minutes later I'm on a table in a ugly hospital gown with my junk out. We requested a male doctor and older more mature female nurses. I hope there aren't any trampy nurses in this practice cause Kia might hurt em if they make their move. Which a majority of these loose women unfortunately are and we get to sit back and watch Kia put them back in their place. 

Like when we were renovating the New Hope Center, we were getting materials from Lowe's when two skanks approached us like Kia wasn't standing there next to me. Anyways after 15 minutes of listening to these women hit on me and me politely refusing their advances, Kia decided to hose them off literally. In those short 15 minutes she found the hose the employees use to water the plants, turned it on and soaked these women. She told them that they looked like they needed to wash the whore off of them but determined it didn't work, hence the extra spritz she gave them as they tried to lunge at her. It was hilarious! I believe there are several videos of that whole incident on the internet. Kia paid Lowe's $3000 dollars as an apology to them and then spent another 10 grand on what we were actually there for. A week later we found out she was pregnant again. 

Anyways back to the current situation. The doctor walks in with a couple nurses behind him. He talks to me for a few minutes before beginning the procedure. I can feel some pulling down there and think of something to distract myself. Roughly forty minutes later he finished up, gives me some after care instructions before leaving the room. Kia walks in a few minutes to wheel me out to the car. I put on the stupid tightie whiteys and my sweats before gently sitting down in the chair. "How are you feeling babe?" Kia asks me once we get situated in the car. "Fine my love kind of hungry and tired from all of the meds" I tell her as I close my eyes.

"Wake up grey eyes. We're finally back home now. Eat your lunch while I get some frozen peas for your nuts" Kia tells me with a smirk. I unwrap my crunch wrap and take a bite. Just as she sets a big bag of frozen vegetables on my junk. I gasp at the uncomfortable feeling and narrow my eyes at Kia. "Whoops I'm sorry babe" she tells me with a sheepish grin on her face. I finish my lunch and go take a nap on the couch until everyone comes home.

Kia's POV:

I walk into the living room finding Toni knocked out on the couch with half melted bags of peas on our coffee table. I grab the vegetables and walk back to the kitchen so I can put them back in the freezer. Shortly afterwards I hear my other husbands coming in through the garage. As soon as they seem me their gorgeous smiles spread across their faces as they make their way over to me. "Hey sweetheart where's our baby brother?" Tristan asks me before kissing me with those wonderful lips of his. "He is currently napping on the couch so leave him alone. His procedure went well but the drugs have made him tired" I tell him with a knowing look. He throws his hands up in surrender before digging through the fridge. "How are you and the babies babygirl?" Tyson asks me while grabbing my ass with one hand and rests his other hand on my baby bump before kissing me passionately. I melt into him as things start to heat up. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist as he starts to unbuckle his pants before dropping them down to his feet. I pull my panties to the side as he frees his angry hard cock and slams into me. Both of us moan at the the amazing feeling of being this close to each other. "As hot as this is you both have about 20 minutes before the kids get home from school. I'll run interference but be quick. And sweetheart I'm so getting in that later" he tells me before leaving the kitchen as Tyson fucks me with everything he has while I hold onto him as my orgasm explodes through me and I squeeze my lady muscle hard around his dick "Babygirl keep squeezing me like that and I might put another baby in you" he growls out as his thrusts get sloppy as he nears his release. A couple of thrusts later we release together and he fills me up with a loud moan. He slumps against me as we both catch our breaths. "Daddy we need to clean up ourselves and the kitchen be we scar our kids even further" I tell him as I slide off of the counter while he tucks himself back into his pants before kissing the side of my head. "Was I dreaming or did you two just have sex on the counter?" Toni asks while walking into the kitchen "Use the bags of mixed veggies. The peas need to refreeze" I tell Toni as I grab the disinfectant wipes and start wiping our dirty deeds off of the counter my ass was just sitting on. "Thanks love" Toni says while grabbing two bags of the mixed veggies and heading back to the living room, making sure to slap my ass hard on the way out. Cue eye roll. I hear the kids coming into the house and Tanner squealing. I peak into the living room only to find Tristan tossing Tanner up in the air then catching him on the way back down. Not gunna lie when all three of my husbands did that for the first time with our oldest children, I almost shot them. They're lucky that Carmen and Uncle Ash were there visiting that day. Toni is busy icing his nuts as Dakota and Montana turn on the PS4 to play COD with their dad before dinner. Tyson walks back into the room freshly showered and changed out of his suit. Blake, Codie and Reagan walk in from the garage and immediately come give me a hug and kiss on my cheek. My girls as evil as they can be are very protective of me especially when I'm pregnant. They're worse than my husbands and sons. Completely drained from the day, I quickly order pizza and wings for dinner. I go and sit in the big recliner in the corner of the living room and wrap myself up in a blanket before the day catches up with me and I drift off to sleep.

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