Chapter 23

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Naomi's POV:

It's 10:30 AM and I'm rushing around with Maddox to get out the door on time. Ten minutes later we're in the car on our way to find out the genders of the twins. We make it with several minutes to spare and quickly check at the desk. "Babe I need food after this. I'm craving soup and salad from Olive Garden" I tell him as I imagine the endless soup, salad and breadsticks. "Okay babe that's fine as long as we get it to go cause I have to work on a project that's due at the end of the week and I know we both have finals too" he says making me groan out. I question my choice for higher education every day. "Stupid finals" I mumble to myself as we're finally called back to one of the rooms.
After getting my weight and vitals the nurse tells us the tech is a little behind but will be with us shortly. What felt like hours was only 20 minutes we had to wait for the tech. I'm honestly trying not to piss myself considering the amount of water I had to drink before I came here.
"Alright you two sorry about the wait. Let's find out what you will be having in a couple of months" the tech says while squeezing some gel on my belly and running the Doppler around until a image of the twins are on the screen. "Okay so Baby A is a boy and Baby B is also a boy. Congratulations you will be having fraternal twins. Let me get some measurements and I'll print some pictures off for you guys" the tech tells us while messing with the machine. "Hmmm they're both measuring great. Baby B is slightly larger than Baby A but that's alright. Here's your pictures and Congrats again" she says as she practically flies out of the room.
"Babe schedule the next appointment I need a bathroom before I pee everywhere" I tell Maddox as I practically knock him over trying to get out of the room. Ignoring his chuckling I make a mad dash to the closest bathroom, actually more like speed waddled and made it just in time. Letting out a sigh of relief I make my way back to the front where Maddox is staring at the pictures of our babies waiting for me to finish. "Alright let's get some food and head home so I can finish this stupid project" Maddox says before wrapping his arm around me as we walk out of the office.
Thirty minutes later Maddox helps me out of the car while I snack on my fifth breadstick with one hand and holding the bag with the rest of the food in the other. I plop down on the couch and quickly put on Shameless while I still have the tv to myself. Maddox and I decided to live with his parents until after we graduate.   We were originally going to stay in the 3 bedroom apartment he was sharing with his roommates but decided against it. That means that we share the house with his younger siblings too. I love them and this large family means lots of babysitters.
Halfway through season three, Maddox's sister, Logan walks in looking annoyed. "Hey Naomi. How are the babies today?" She asks as she drops her bag on the floor before getting comfortable next to me. "Fine just pushing on my bladder and spine but nothing out of the ordinary" I say with a wince as one of the boys shifts into a uncomfortable position. "Yikes good luck with that." She says as I hear Maddox come downstairs. "He babe. Logan when did you get here?" He asks while giving me a quick peck on the lips "literally a few minutes ago bro. C'mon sit with us til we have to put "age appropriate shows" on for Axel and Ryder. Moms not beating my ass again over some shit those two repeated like a couple of damn parrots." Logan huffs out while turning up the volume.
A hour later we hear the front door open and slam followed by it opening again "Ryder get your ass back down here I'm not done with you yet" I hear Maddox's mom yelling at the youngest Knight. I watch Axel wave at us before walking towards the game room as their mom storms after her youngest daughter. "The munchkin is hitting those preteen years hard. She's definitely most like mom, personality wise" Maddox says to no one in particular. "I know right. That's why I call her baby devil. Especially after hearing stories from everyone bout how nuts our mom can be" Logan tells us without taking her eyes off of the screen. "How much of Ryders things will get broken this time? Last time it was this bad she broke her laptop into several pieces and she superglued a bunch of your moms stuff together. I thought she was gunna fuck her little ass up like she was grown." I say with a mischievous grin on my face. "I have no clue babe but I'm staying away from those two for awhile." Maddox tells us as we hear yelling and screaming going on upstairs. Moments later we hear some crashing and banging making Axel run into the living room before him and Maddox run upstairs to assess the damage. Logan slowly follows behind him with myself waddling after her. I follow the sound of arguing until I'm standing outside Ryders bedroom door. Looking in I notice her balcony glass door are broken and her PS4 is broken in half on the floor amongst the glass. Maddox is holding little Ryder back from beating their moms ass while Logan and Axel talk to their mom. "Calm your ass down Ryder. Now!" Maddox booms making her go limp in his arms before she starts crying.
"I'm not sure what else to do with her. I was only going to take her game system for a week when she snatched it and did all that" mama Knight said whole motioning over to the disaster. "Mom I love you but I know you're not innocent in this shit either. She can't sleep in here with those doors broken and I know the dads are going to be pissed." Logan says as she takes Ryder in her arms.
"Mom!! Dad!!! Pops!!! Where is everyone?" I hear someone yell from downstairs. I look down and it's just the twins home from their football practice. "Hey guys up here. You're mama and baby sister done had it out up here" I tell them earning some groans and a "you've got to be kidding me" before hearing their footsteps coming up the stairs. As soon as they look in the room I hear "oh shit" coming from both of the twins. Honestly I don't think I'll ever tell them apart. "Watch your mouth Mason!" Mama Knight snaps out as she storms out of the room over to hers. Logan walks out with Ryder in her arms over to one of the spare rooms before laying her down for awhile. Ryder might be 10 but after her episodes she is exhausted so she's down and out for awhile.
Maddox helps me back down the stairs and sits me on the couch before sitting next to me. "Mom you two need help. The dads are gunna beat both of y'all behinds for that craziness that happened upstairs" Logan says while plopping down on the other couch. "Please they won't do shit to me. If anything I'll beat their asses for knocking me up with her" Mama Knight says with all the attitude she possesses. "Who's beating my ass babe?" I hear one of Maddox's dads say making her freeze. "You hear that? I'll be right there babe" Mama Knight said before practically running out of the room. "What did we miss??" His other dad asked while setting his keys down. "The love of your life and your baby devil had it out again upstairs and that's all I'm telling you dad" Logan says before turning back to the tv. "Great!" They say sarcastically as they head towards their room.

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