Chapter 39

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~12 weeks later~
33 weeks pregnant
June 9th
Kia's POV:
Things have been a fuckin nightmare the past 3 months. Charlie and Frankie went home with their new babies a couple days after giving birth and have settled into motherhood wonderfully. I'm honestly surprised I haven't been made a grandma yet. Anyways I'm bigger than our house with these final 3 babies. I haven't seen my vagina since February and I think I need some deforestation done down there with all the damn hair. God it's so damn embarrassing since I usually maintain that crazy religiously. My men used to trim me up during my pregnancies but I just haven't felt myself lately. Honestly for the past 2 weeks I've felt like shit and have barely left my bed. Court and Rachel have been helping me with the errands and kids but I'm going nuts. I just want these babies out of me. My men freaked out and had Dr. Walker make a house call. She said I was okay but that she wants to deliver me before I hit my 35th week cause my blood pressure is high. I decide to go downstairs to wait for the kids to get home from school when I feel a pressure and a small pop in my abdomen. "That can't be good" I say to myself as I feel the same thing happen on my other side. I start to feel dizzy and black dots invade my vision as I feel myself going down. All I can do is brace myself for impact on the last two steps but I don't feel any pain from a fall. Instead I feel a pair of strong arms wrapped around me. I look up to see a younger version of Toni staring down at me with concern. I hear someone else in the room and look around to see Sami and Travis here too. Travis is on the phone with I'm assuming 911 while Sami is texting her fathers. "Mama what happened?" Tommy quietly asked me as the sound of sirens become louder. "I don't know baby. All I did was come down the stairs. I missed everyone and I wanted to wait for you all to get home from school. I hated being up in that room 24/7" I tell them as more pain flows through my body. "Mama you know once you're better the dads are gunna beat your ass" Sami points out earning nods in agreement from her womb mates. Rolling my eyes and letting out a scoff at the thought of my men trying to beat my ass. Everyone knows I could fuck all three of them up without breaking a sweat. But for their somewhat large male egos I let them rule me in the bedroom most of the time. I don't want to permanently crush their egos. I was so lost in my own inner monologue that I didn't notice the EMTs rushing in the house until they started asking me questions. Tommy hopped into the ambulance with me while Sami and Travis stayed behind to wait for their younger siblings. I just now realized that I left my phone in my bathroom and told Tommy to tell someone to get it. Hello I have Wattpad stories to read. Tommy let me know that Reagan grabbed my phone and there to go bags before they all piled into the van. Apparently all of my kids, with the exception of Tanner, saw me being put in the ambulance and rushed to the hospital. I'm so not getting mother of the year award with that kind of trauma.
What felt like a hour trip, was really only 15 minutes as we pull into the ambulance bay. They immediately take me up to labor and delivery. I'm hooked up to several machines before they let Tommy back in the room. "Hey mama. The dads are parking their cars now and Aunt Rachel is on her way to get Tanner. How are you feeling?" He asks me with a look of concern on his face. "Oh sweet boy I'm fine. Don't forget your mama is way tougher than everyone thinks" I tell him with a smile. That seems to put him at ease even though I feel something wet between legs and I don't think my water broke. "Tommy can you please go check on your siblings for me? Your dads will be here any second" I say trying to get him out of the room. He reluctantly leaves the room. As soon as he's out of sight I press the call butting while looking underneath my covers. I briefly touch the wet area pulling back blood covered fingers. My heart immediately drops as a nurse rushes into the room. I start to feel really cold and faint as I whisper out "I'm bleeding.... My babies" before everything goes dark.

The Brothers POV:
They knew something was wrong with Kia as she had been feeling awful the past couple of weeks but nothing prepared them for the text they received from their oldest daughter. All three felt the color drain out of them before they ran to their cars and sped off to the hospital. When they got there they texted Tommy letting him know they were on their way up. So imagine the fear that filled them as they watched their son in hysterics as nurses are running in and out of what they assumed to be Kia's room. Before security could be called, Toni walked over to his son and wrapped him up in his arms as Tommy broke down in tears. "Mama was fine when I stepped out of her room. She asked me to check on my siblings so I left. She was fine I swear" he screams out in the waiting room. "Son you Mama has always tried to protect you all. She probably knew something was wrong so she sent you away before she signaled for help" Tristan says while Tyson tries to find out what's going on with Kia. Rachel shows up with Tanner and the rest of the Briggs family not far behind them. The moment they see the current situation they freeze and have Rachel guide all of the younger kids to the other waiting room. Finally Dr. Franklin walks out "Briggs families?" She asks. The brothers and their oldest kids stand up. "Hey everyone. Kia has lost a lot of blood from the placenta detaching from the uterine wall. There didn't look like there was any trauma from a fall or anything but we will know more once we get her in the OR. The babies are okay for now but the sooner we get them out the better the odds for the four of them. Dr. Walker and myself are personally overseeing your wife's case. I must go back in there but we will try to keep you updated" she rushes back to Kia just as they're wheeling her to the OR.

~3 hours later~

The waiting room is filled to the brim with the Briggs family and friends eagerly waiting to hear news on Kia and the babies. The Brothers stand stoically around the room, refusing to relax until they hear something. The sound of the doors opening grabs the attention of everyone especially since it's both doctors. The Brothers rush over to them with pleading looks. "Hey Tyson, Tristan, Toni. We apologize for not coming back sooner. First we would like to tell you all three babies are healthy and doing well. Once we delivered your babies we could see the amount of damage that had been done. Not only did the placenta detach from the uterine wall, the actual uterus was basically destroyed. The bleeding was a combination of the detached placenta and a really large tear in some scar tissue from previous births. So to prevent Kia from bleeding out, we performed an emergency hysterectomy and will be moved to recovery shortly. We've left her under heavy sedation to help her heal faster. At this point only time will tell how well she heals. Would you like to know what the genders of your babies and birth order?" Dr. Walker asks the brothers. All three nod for her to continue. "Okay Baby A is a girl weighing 3lbs 2 oz measuring 17 inches long. Baby B is a boy weighing 4 lbs 8oz measuring 19 inches long. Baby C and the youngest is a girl weighing 3lbs even measuring 17 inches as well. We also ran the paternity tests for you and we have the results. Baby A is yours Tristan, Baby B is Tyson's and Baby C is Toni's . If I remember right that's your first biological son, Tyson and your first biological daughter, Tristan." She finishes telling them before leaving to check on Kia again. The Brothers give everyone the good news and send all of their children home for the night. The Brothers dad, Sloan, drop 3 duffel bags at their feet with a knowing look before going home himself. Sami stayed back to give her dads big hugs and her mothers hospital bag before her boyfriend guided her out of the hospital.

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