Chapter 35

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~ 3 weeks later ~

March 13th

Naomi's POV:

I'm so happy today is finally here. Today we get to take our boys home. I was discharged from the hospital 4 days after their birth but still came to the hospital every day to see them and nurse them. When I wasn't feeding them, I was pumping for the nurses who cared for them overnight after I left every night. It's been tough being a new mom and juggling classes. Thank God I have awesome professors cause they're letting me do my assignments online. Maddox still goes to campus for his classes. He's taking extra classes so he can finish sooner. Neither one of us is consistently working right now. I stopped working once I hit my fifth month in my pregnancy. I was able to save almost five grand that I'm keeping for an emergency. The boys are set for awhile thanks to Maddox's family. So here I am dressing our boys in their going home outfits. I ordered them after we figured out what to name them. They're navy blue and white striped sleepers with matching navy blue hats personalized with their names.

 They're navy blue and white striped sleepers with matching navy blue hats personalized with their names

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(Their outfits are like this but with Nathan and Morgan on their hats)

Maddox walks back into the room with the boys discharge papers and immediately picks up Morgan and puts him in his carrier before attaching it to the double stroller. I finish strapping Nathan in his carrier in record time and Maddox attaches his carrier to the stroller next to his brother. I cover each carrier with a baby blanket before grabbing their bag. Maddox starts pushing the stroller towards the exit when a frantic Chase rushes past us pushing a hormonal Dylan in a wheelchair towards labor and delivery. "About time she went into labor. She was due on March 10th. I think she was supposed to be induced tomorrow morning" I tell him as we exit the elevator and get into Maddox's family van that we will be using for awhile. Maddox's mom decided to drive for us since she had to run errands today anyways. We buckle the boys carriers into the base in the middle seats before I climb in the third row seat and Maddox gets in the front passenger seat next to his mom. Roughly a hour later, Mrs. Knight is done her errands and we're back home with some Chipotle for lunch. Thank God the boys are still sleeping for now.

meanwhile back at the hospital


Dylan's POV:

Owww fuck!! Chase make it stop. It hurts too much" I screamed out as another contraction hit me. "If I could babe then I would. The doctor will be in shortly to check you" Chase tells me as he kisses the side of my head. Dr. Walker walks in a few minutes later and checks me. "Well you are only 5 centimeters dilated so we have some time yet. I'm going to send the anesthesiologist in to give you a epidural and I'll check on you in a little bit" she says as she leaves the room.

~3 hours later~

I must of fallen asleep cause I can hear people whispering somewhere in the room. I open my eyes, searching the room for Chase, when my eyes land on the man of the hour. He's quietly talking to the doctor when I sneeze loudly letting them know I'm awake. "Hey beautiful! I'm glad you're awake now. The doctor wants to check you real quick" Chase tells me while helping me sit up. Dr. Walker lifts up my bottom sheet and checks me "well you're almost 7 centimeters dilated Dylan. Let's break your water to help speed this up a little bit" Dr. Walker says while changing her gloves as one of the nurses passes her a small hook. She then proceeds to break my water. It felt so damn weird and fuckin gross. I can't see what it looks like but my overactive imagination is telling me it's similar to when Mrs. Coneheads water broke, well maybe not that much. The doctor and nurses leave the room again letting us know they would be back.
After a hour passes I start feeling the contractions more frequently. It's when I feel the urge to push that I rapidly press the help button til a nurse rushes into the room. "I need to push" I gasp out as Chase holds my hand. She runs back out and returns minutes later with the doctor and two more nurses. The doctor immediately checks me letting me know that I was fully dilated and to push on the next contraction. Thirty minutes later our baby girl comes into the world screaming her little lungs off. "Congratulations you have a healthy baby girl" Dr. Walker says as Chase cuts the cord and our baby girl is laid on my chest. She settles down immediately and I kiss her small head. Chase looks at our baby with so much love it makes me tear up a little. One of the nurses gently picks her up to run some tests and clean her up. "You're amazing babe. She's perfect. Thank you" Chase says before giving me a loving kiss. Dr. Walker delivers all of the afterbirth then sews me up as I unfortunately tore early in my pushing. Chase walks over to our baby girl, taking a few pictures of her.
"Okay what will you be naming this beautiful little girl?" One of the nurses ask us. "Her name is Devin Noelle Dayton" I tell the nurse as Chase scoops our little girl into his arms, holding her securely in his tattooed arms. He walks her around the room for a few minutes before I decide I need to use the bathroom and shower. I feel fuckin gross. Chase watches me get up as I slowly make my way over to the bathroom. I gently sit down to do my business, which is really uncomfortable, then yell for Chase to get the nurse. They apparently need to see how much I go or something. I forgot what she told me. The nurse walks in, checks what she needs to check when Chase walks in with my bag in with my bag but not little Devin. I look at him questionably before he lets me know Sami, Gage and her mom, Kia, are here. Sami brought us some food while her mom is getting her baby cuddles. She cracks me up honestly. Chase stays in the bathroom while I shower all of the gross away. After thoroughly rinsing off, I quickly dry myself off before applying lotion all over my body. I throw in some clean clothes and braid my hair before feeling satisfied with myself. Chase wraps his arms around me, kissing the side of my head as we walk back into the room Gage is currently holding little Devin as Sami snaps pictures of her man and our little girl. I noticed one of Kia's husbands were now in the room with a completely different take out bag. Ah cravings! "Thank you gray eyes for the tacos and chocolate shake. I thought the sub I got would be enough but these babies decided differently" I hear Kia tell her husband, Toni. I gently get back in bed as Chase passes me my wrap before sliding in next to me with his food.
Kia looks up from her meal "Oh hun how are you feeling?" She asks me "I feel better since I got cleaned up and into my own clothes" I tell her as I take another bite of my food. "Trust me I get it" she tells me while motioning to Sami and then her bump. "So what's her name?" Sami asks as her Daddy gently cradles our little girl like the pro that he is. "Her name is Devin" I tell them with a huge grin on my face. "Beautiful name" she tells us before focusing back on her husband. "Thank god you, Pops and Papa got snipped cause Mama's looking like she's fixing to get pregnant again" Sami tells her dad who freezes before bringing Devin back over to the bassinet. "Let's go love before you get any wild ideas" he says while rushing Kia out of our room making Sami laugh hard at her parents. "Babe that was fucked up and you know it" Gage tells her before laying a good smack on her ass. "They'll get over it and probably get inside each other before the end of the night. I'm so glad I live with you now" Sami says while tossing her trash out. "Woman let's go before we put on a show for everyone here" Gage growls out at his woman. Chase and I share a knowing look as our friends leave for the night. "He's gunna fuck her ass up isn't he?" Chase asks me as he sets our food wrappers next to us. "Oh yeah! But Sami knows what she's doing. Crazy girl" I tell him with a smirk before letting out a big yawn. "Oh yeah well it's been a long day baby. Let's get some sleep while our daughter is out for the count" Chase tells me as both of us get comfortable for the night.

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