Chapter 25 (Xmas part 1)

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Sami's POV:
~almost 3 weeks later, Christmas Day~

Today is Christmas and the house is humming with excitement. The girls and I stayed with our guys at their house last night so we could spend our first Christmas together. Naomi and Maddox even came over for the night too.The girls are now huge as hell but I love them just the same. We all decided just to wear our Christmas pajamas all day today the guys not so much. They love Christmas but not enough to show the Christmas spirit and that's okay. I think my dads are still stuck wearing some sort of holiday wear cause of my younger siblings but I believe all of the moms are wearing festive clothing like usual.

"Hey baby we've gotta leave for your parents house soon" Gage says as he carries the gifts out to the truck

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"Hey baby we've gotta leave for your parents house soon" Gage says as he carries the gifts out to the truck. As I hear one door close, several more open followed by them closing and footsteps coming downstairs. I see  my friends waddling their way over to the living room. "Hey everyone sleep okay?" I ask them as I watch them moving around half asleep and uncomfortable. "I'm okay just tired. The baby is draining me of all of my energy." Frankie says as she sits next to me and lays her head on my shoulder. "Yeah these little crotch goblins are brutal" Charlie grumbles out as she shoves one of the decorated sugar cookies in her mouth. Naomi is laying across the one couch with her head in Maddox's lap as he plays with her hair. Dylan plops down on the other side of me with a cup of tea looking slightly more awake than the others. "C'mon ladies we can go be couch potato's over at my parents house. It's already 10am so I imagine my siblings have already ripped through their gifts. The rest of the families are going to be there too so try to carpool there" I tell them as I get up to get my UGG boots on. The guys walk back in and decide that we're taking Gage, Gunnar and Bears truck today. Jax,Oakley, Dylan and Chase are riding with us, Dean and Maya are riding with Bear and Frankie and Naomi and Maddox are riding with Charlie and Gunnar. All of us pile into our respective vehicles before heading over to the house. I notice several cars that don't belong to my parents are already at the house. "Well it looks like the other families are already here. Our grandparents won't be here this year since they decided to go on a cruise at the last minute. There's still going to be a lot of people in the house." I tell them as Jax hops out of the truck to open the door up for his woman just as Chase does the same for Dylan. Oakley and I grab onto each of Dylan's arms as we walk into the house while the guys grab the gifts. I walk in and notice some people I don't recognize. "Who the hell are you people and why are you in my parents house?" I ask to no one in particular. "Really Sami? You don't remember me at all?" The guy asks me. He's tall, dark and handsome and the women he's with are identical. Squinting my eyes in confusion I finally realize who it is "Enzo is that you?" I practically squeal out as I jump into his arms earning a grunt from Gage. "Yeah girl I see you grew up. You remember my sisters right?" He asks while gesturing to the women next to him "wow I have seen you guys since I was 9 years old. You look good. Wait if you're here does that mean that the Amato's are here too?" I ask them "yup cap- I mean boss wanted to be stateside for the holidays so the entire family is here plus some family friends too" he says as Gage wraps his arm around my waist pulling me to him. "Calm down babe he's my uncle and those are my aunts. They live over in Italy for most of the year. I almost never see them" I whisper to Gage who nods in understanding.
We walk into the living room where the first tree with presents are located.

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