Chapter 32

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Tyson's POV:

A week later it's my turn for the surgery. Kia and I just left her appointment and everything looks good. Toni healed up nicely and dropped off his follow up sample off at the urologists office yesterday morning and his procedure was a success. I walk into the doctors office hand in hand with Kia, ready to get this over with already. I took the pain pill halfway through Kia's appointment and I'm definitely feeling pretty good right now. I'm taken back to one of the private rooms and change into the ugly hospital moo moo when some red headed nurse walks in looking at me like she wants to mount me. Oh fuck! Where's my wife? I need my crazy badass here now. I quickly text Kia "911" before going into my camera app and switch it over to video cause I know we will need it. "Hello Mr. Briggs my name is Gwen and I'll be your nurse today" she says while walking into my personal space. Great of course I would get the red headed gutter slut as my nurse please shoot me now. I try to move away but instead she pushes me into a chair before straddling me. I try to push her off of me without hurting her but between the drugs and her use of force I'm trapped. "Please get off of me now before it's too late." I firmly tell her as she tries her hardest to wake the beast between my legs. No thanks my beast wakes for one woman and that ain't this crazy bitch. Gwen starts to plant kisses down my neck and I cringe at her touch and I immediately shove her as hard as I can and she lands on the floor that I'm almost sure she spends most of her time there anyways.

She gets up red in the face in anger before yelling obscenities at me and goes to slap me just as Kia walks in with my doctor who looks pissed as Kia and two police officers. "Don't even think about putting your slimy hands on my husband again or you're going to need everyone in this room to pry me off of you." Kia calmly warns her "Oh please he came onto me. He told me he wanted to relieve some stress before his procedure" she says with a smirk. Fuck this bitch really doesn't know who she's talking to right now. Kia rolls her eyes before giving me a look I've seen before. So I pull phone out from where I hid it and pressed play. Gwen's face goes from confident to eye's wide and scared. "Remove her from my office now officers" my doctor says just as Kia walks over to me. "Are you okay mountain man?" she asks while looking me over. "Yeah babygirl I'm okay. Kind of threw up in my mouth at her smell of cheap hooker and desperation but I'm fine. Are you okay babygirl?" I ask her while sitting her on my lap. "I'm good daddy. I really wanted to break her fuckin hands for touching you but we don't have time to get me out of jail today." she tells me with a smile. The doctor comes back in and apologizes for his staff's inappropriate behavior, gave me a small amount of pain killers considering I should already be halfway through my procedure by now. Anyways he said he will be back in a few minutes so Kia calmly sits in a chair in a corner. The doctor comes back and immediately starts the procedure. I kept my eyes on my babygirl the whole time they were cutting me. Before I could think about it they were done. Because of the extra drugs I really couldn't let alone walk so Kia had to wheel me out to the car.

We pull into the driveway, in between Travis's truck and Gage's truck. Thank God cause I know Kia can't pick my big ass up while pregnant. She must have texted Travis cause I see him and Gage pushing one of our oversized office chairs to my side of the car. Gage opens up the door and holds the chair in place while Travis hoists me out of the car and plops me into the chair making me wince in pain. "Fuck Trav my balls" I shout out as I cup my balls while they throb in pain. "I'm sorry Papa. I didn't mean to" Trav says guiltily as Gage proceeds to wheel me inside where Kia and Sami are already waiting for me. "Oh Papa what did they do to you?" Sami asks as she leans down giving me a hug. "Well first I got molested at the doctor's office, then they cut my nuts and then your brother just plopped me down hard on this damn chair. But otherwise it's been a wonderful day sweetie." I tell her as Gage is the next to help me up and out of the chair making sure to sit me gently down on the couch. "Thank you Gage" I tell him earning a nod in return. Kia walks in with two fresh bags of frozen peas and passes them to me. "Thanks Babygirl" I tell her as I get the frozen peas on my poor abused balls. "Here's some food and some more meds." she tells me while she passes me my large cheesesteak from Jersey Mike's, a bottled water and my antibiotics. I practically inhale my food before taking my meds. Shortly afterwards I feel my eyes getting heavy and let sleep overtake me.

Sami's POV:

I watch my papa fall asleep on the couch and then look over at my mama who is eating her steak burrito bowl with chips and queso that she got from Chipotle. "Mama what was Papa talking about when he said he got molested at the doctors office?" I ask her as Gage hands me my beautiful Whopper with cheese meal. Sighing "one of the fuckin nurse's literally tried to mount your Papa in the procedure room. I wanted to break every bone in that red headed cum dumpsters body but decided going to jail while pregnant would not be a good idea so I called a couple of friends in the police department and had her arrested. I briefly thought about calling your Uncle Dom or even Carrie but they're busy with their own shit" she finishes telling me just as we hear everyone walk into the house.
I can hear Reagan and Codie in a heated discussion about something school related. Blake is talking to Daddy about her artwork while he carries little Tanner over to Mama, pecking her lips as Tanner sits in a seat next to her. Next I see Montana running as Dakota chases him throughout the house before we hear glass shattering and something crashing from upstairs making the rest of us freeze. One look from Mama and Daddy, Trav and I rush upstairs to see what happened. Arriving to their room we notice their mirror is cracked, stuff is broken everywhere and one of the windows is shattered. We see both boys wrestling in the far corner with Montana now being the aggressor. He has a black eye and a busted lip while Dakota has a cut above his eye and a bruised left cheek. Daddy immediately yanks Montana off of Dakota and takes him out of the room. Trav checks on Dakota who is currently breathing heavily on the floor. I grab a washrag, run it under water before walking back to my little brother "What happened bubs?" I ask Kota as Trav helps him off of the floor. Letting out a sigh "We haven't been seeing eye to eye for awhile now. Even sharing a room is uncomfortable for us now. I've liked this girl at school for awhile now. We've known her since kindergarten and the three of us have always been together. I've been wanting to tell this girl I like her more than a friend not knowing that Montana  likes her too. There's a dance at school in a couple of weeks and I was going to ask her but he went behind my back and asked her to the dance. She said yes and kissed his cheek before she got off the bus. So I whooped his ass!" he tells us just as Daddy walks in with Montana. The twins tense up as they see each other. They don't like hurting each other so the guilty look on their faces are really heartbreaking. "Look bro I never asked Ally to the dance. She asked me to go. I tried to tell her that someone else wanted to take her but she didn't listen and assumed I would take her. Before I could talk to you and you ignored me the rest of the day. Also I had no idea she would pull that crap she did on the bus! Honestly I love her as a sister. She knows you like her so I don't know why she would try to hurt both of us like this" Montana finishes explaining to us. I gave Trav a knowing look since this shit is a regular occurrence it seems with sketchy love interests for the male multiples in the family. "I'm sorry for hurting you Tana. I didn't know she could be like that. I mean it's Ally. She never used to act this way" Kota says while hugging his twin. "Alright both of you clean this up and no video games for two weeks." Daddy says as he hands my brothers gloves and cleaning supplies before we leave them to it. 

We walk back downstairs into the living room to see Papa is still asleep, Mama is watching Shameless and Tanner is playing on his tablet. Without looking away from the tv, Mama asks us "A girl was the cause of this bullshit wasn't it?" "Yeah Mama it was one hundred percent a girl" Trav tells her as he sits in one of the chairs. We all hear her mumbling obscenities and other things under her breath when Pops walks in. "Hey can someone explain while there's a lamp and a flat screen in our front yard and why the damn window is broken?" he asks no one in particular. "Boys got into a fight over a girl, fucked each other up and destroyed their room Pops" I tell him with a smirk. "Fucking Christ!" he groans out "Well I brought Chinese and burgers for those non foreign food people in our home" he says while side eyeing Tanner. Yeah he's weird but we let it go. We all go to the dining room as Pops and Daddy unpack the food and get plates and utensils for everyone. Forty minutes later the twins walk downstairs with full trash bags and their game systems. Montana takes the trash out and Dakota hands their electronics over to Daddy before Mama passed them each a plate before friendly discussions started up amongst the table. Papa was still asleep on the couch when we were cleaning up after dinner. Mama covered him in a blanket, kissed his cheek before telling my younger brothers to get ready for bed while Trav and Pops put plastic on the broken window. I quietly left with Gage hoping to have a family like this one day.  

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