Chapter 12

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~a week later~

Dylan's POV:

Today Chase and I are going to the doctor to find out our due date amongst other things. Walking into the office I see Maddox with Naomi and Gunnar with Charlie. "Hey guys I didn't know your appointments were today" I say with a smile while Chase checks me in with the receptionist. "Yeah there were cancellations so they were able to squeeze us in at the last minute." Charlie tells me as she drinks her smoothie. Our appointment is at 10 am so hopefully we get called back soon. "What times were you able to get today?" I ask them "Oh I got the 10:45 appointment" Charlie says "I got the 11 with Dr. Franklin. I wanted Dr. Walker but she was booked today but I'm going to try to get her for the next appointment" Naomi tells me. Before I can respond my name is called so Chase and I walk back to a secondary waiting room where the nurse gets my weight, height and a urine sample before putting us in one of the many rooms. She got my blood pressure and informed me that Dr. Walker would be in shortly. We didn't have to wait long as she appeared in the room with my chart. "Hey you guys. Nice to see you Dylan. I see here that you're pregnant and have known since August 20th when was the first day of your last cycle?" she asks me "July 15th" I reply "okay your due date is March 10th. Now let's get a ultrasound as you're a little over 12 weeks." she tells us as I slide my waistband down a little a cover it with a towel. She squirts some gel on it before sliding it around my belly until it settled right over the baby "Alright you only have one in there. The measurements look good for this stage in your pregnancy. Here's a couple copies of the sonogram, prescription for prenatal vitamins and you're set so get cleaned up and go schedule your next appointment for 5 weeks out and hopefully we will be able to determine the gender then" she says as she washes her hands and walks out of the room. I just look at Chase in awe. "We're really going to be parents Chase. This just became extremely real today" I whisper out as my hormones go haywire and I start to tear up. "C'mon babe lets go make that appointment and then we go to Sonics for lunch" he says as he grabs my hand while walking to the front desk.

Charlie's POV:

I notice Chase and Dylan walking back out front with smiles on their faces. Before I can ask them anything my name gets called so Gunnar stands up putting his arm around me as we walk back to the secondary waiting room. She gets my weigh, height and a urine sample before taking us to a room. She takes my blood pressure before informing us Dr. Walker would be in soon. Moments later she enters the room "Oh goodness Charlie you're here too? you all have funny timing I swear" she tells me with a chuckle. I couldn't help chuckle at her she has been my OB/GYN since I was 12. "Alright when was the first day of your last menstrual cycle?" she asked "August 13th" I tell her "Your due date is May 23rd" she tells me with a smile "Since you're still pretty early we will do the ultrasound at your next appointment in 4 weeks." she tells us as she washes her hands. "Here's a prescription for prenatal vitamins and I'll see you in a few weeks" she says as she leaves the room. "I'm so excited babe. Can we go eat lunch now?" I say with a pout. Giving me a kiss we walk back out front to schedule our next appointment. "Babe where do you want to eat?" He asks me as we get in the car. "Hmmmm I want to go to Outback please I'm starving" I say licking my lips. he laughs at my love for food as we head to the restaurant.

Naomi's POV: 

I wave to Charlie as Gunnar guides her out of the office. A couple minutes later my name gets called and Maddox follows me into the secondary waiting room. She gets my weight, height and a urine sample before showing us to a room. She gets my blood pressure before leaving the room. Kind of rude but whatever I'm not worried about her ass. Next thing I know the doctor walks in. "Hello you two I'm Dr. Franklin." she says while shaking each of our hands "I'm Naomi and this is my boyfriend Maddox" I say calmly "Nice to meet you both now let's get down to business. When was the first day of your last cycle?" she asks me "I'm not sure since my cycles aren't regular especially when I'm stressed. I mean I had some spotting August 7th but it stopped after 2 days and I haven't seen anything like that in a long time" I tell her still trying to figure out when this could of happened. "Okay how about we do a ultrasound to try to narrow it down" she says as she turns on the machine. I lay down and lift up my shirt as she spreads the cold gel on my tummy. She starts moving it around om ,y tummy trying to find the babies position til it stops and a black blob appears on the screen. "Hmmm that's strange" she says to herself while taking measurements. "When did you two start having sex?" she asked us making me blush and Maddox cough "Umm we got together this past May so I think towards the end of June and we have sex regularly." I say with a light blush on my face "Are either of you a twin or a triplet?" she asks without removing her eyes from the screen "Yes I have a twin sister and our dads are identical twins." Maddox says rather proudly "Alright you two you have at least two babies in there and it looks like you're already at 12 weeks." she tells us as she moves it lower towards my right side "Okay you only have two babies in there and your due date is March 4th but with multiples you can go early so we typically like you to reach 33 weeks just so their lungs can develop properly. Anyways I printed off some pictures and I want to see you back here in 4 weeks, Congrats again" I hear her say as she dries her hands and walks out to her next patient. I look over at Maddox and he's staring at the sonograms with a smile on his face. " Babe are you okay?" I quietly ask him as I walk over to him wrapping my arms around him " I'm perfect babe I just wasn't sure which one of us would create twins. I'm so excited to become a father and I hope someday that I'll call you my wife. But for now let's go make that appointment and then we can go to Olive Garden like you've been asking for lately" he tells me with a huge smile as he wraps his arm around me walking us to the front. Once the appointment is made we head out to my favorite restaurant in the world.

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