Chapter 37

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Gunnar's POV:
I had just pulled up my dry sweats up over my hips when I saw Charlie's eyes roll back and her body sway. Without hesitation I catch her before she could hit the floor. "Charlie baby open your eyes for me. Please open your eyes" I beg her unconscious self without any kind of response in return. I yell for help as I put my head to her chest. I relax a little when I hear a faint heartbeat but immediately stand up with her in my arms and move to leave the room when Jax rushes in the room. His eyes widen when he sees Charlie out cold in my arms. "Help me man" I say. He jumps into action, grabs my keys and runs out the room with me not far behind. We make it to my truck quickly, Jax opening my passenger door before jumping into the drivers seat. I'm glad he's here cause I know I would of gotten us hurt in the state of mind I'm in right now. I easily climb up into my truck with my babies in my arms, making sure to buckle myself in after slamming my door shut. I hold onto Charlie tight as Jax peels out of the driveway, hauling ass to the hospital. "They'll be okay brother. She's tough you know this" Jax says without taking his eyes off the road. "Jax can you call Maddox for me. I think my phone is in our room somewhere" I whisper to him. "Yeah man I got it covered. Just focus on your family" he says as we pull up to the hospital. I feel something pushing on my stomach as the truck comes to a halt. I freeze and look down, totally ignoring the door being opened, only to see my babies moving around in her tummy. I kiss her tummy "don't worry babies your mommy is going to be alright and I will be holding you both shortly" I didn't know I was crying til I saw a tear fall into her tummy. "Gunnar they're here to take them up to the maternity ward" Jax tells me as he looks at me in concern. "Right" I choke out as I climb out of the truck and lay her on the gurney. I go to follow them when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look back to see Jax with a shirt and my slides in his hands and a look making me look down. "Fuck me thanks" I says as I quickly threw the shirt on and stepped into my slides. "No problem they were in your gym bag you leave in your truck" Jax tells me as we rush into the hospital and up to the maternity ward. I immediately see Gage, Dean and their girls but continue to the nurses station and ask where Charlie is and this gutter slut pushes her tits out at me. Before I can cuss her ass out I hear a familiar voice say "Bitch I know you are not trying to hit on my son in law while my daughter is getting ready to have his babies. Put your fake ass titties back in your shirt and your legs closed and do your fuckin job before I hop over this counter and fuck your skank ass up!!!" Mrs. Knight screams out at this nasty bitch. Before 'Miranda' can say anything a male nurse steps up "Miranda, the chief of staff wants to see you now! Take your ratchet ass out of here. This was your last straw" he snapped out at her. She goes to open her mouth when he loses his shit "leave now before I really embarrass your trifling ass. You've broken up enough families bitch" he all but growls in her face. She scurries off in tears as all of us bust out laughing. "God I can't stand her ass. I apologize Mrs. Knight. Charlie is okay. We put her on a IV and started fluids. The three of them are fine. She passed out from low blood pressure and some dehydration. Now I understand she is 39 weeks pregnant. Has she been doing any strenuous activity lately?" He asks and I immediately blush remembering last nights events that carried over into this morning. The male nurse, whose name is apparently Dre, notices the look on my face and sighs "seriously hun. No wonder she passed out. By the look on your face I'm guessing the pregnancy hormones took over and it wasn't just a one and done l. Damn freaks!" He says with a smirk. "Don't worry I was the same way with all of my pregnancies" Mrs. Knight says with a wink earning collective groans from her husbands. "Okay baby daddy Charlie's in room 215 and she's awake" Dre says as he hangs up one of the phones at the desk.
Before anyone can say anything to me I take off down the hall where my woman and babies are located. I quickly find her room and rush in almost knocking down a nurse leaving her room. When I lay my eyes on Charlie the tension leaves my body. She's laying there smiling at something on the tv. "Baby" I say as I walk over and kiss her soft lips. "Hey baby the doctor came by and said I'm already 7 centimeters dilated and the anesthesiologist is on their way up to give me the epidural. Babies are great too!" She tells me "you scared me baby" I whisper to her as I take her hand into mine. She shushes me a another contraction hits her. They were definitely becoming more intense and closer together.

~ 45 minutes later ~

Charlie was given the epidural in no time at all she was fully dilated. "Okay Charlie, next contraction I want you to push with all you have" Dr. Walker tells her just as the contraction slams into her making her groan and push. She squeezes my ducking hand so hard my fingers change colors. "Good. Good. The head of your first baby is already out. Keep pushing" Dr. Walker tells her. Three more pushes and loud screams fill the room. "It's a boy! Congratulations! Dad wanna cut the cord?" Dr. Walker asks me. I nod and cut the cord before they lay him In Charlie's chest. "God he's so beautiful babe" Charlie tells me while kissing our sons head. "I love you Charlie" I tell her as I stare at our little boy. One of the nurses takes our son over to one of the incubators to clean him off and everything. Ten minutes later Charlie has to push again. Several pushes later and our sweet girl comes into the world all red from screaming her lungs off. I cut her cord, like I did for my son, before our baby girl is also put onto her mamas chest. The little one settles down almost instantly. Lord my little princess is going to be her mama's shadow. Another nurse takes our daughter and lays her in the incubator next to her brother. Dr. Walker finishes cleaning up Charlie and informs us that Charlie was lucky she didn't tear down there. I guess that's good for healing or whatever. But I don't know. God blessed me with a dick. Dr. Walker walks back in the room all cleaned up and with a clipboard with our babies paperwork. "Okay everyone is good and healthy. Your son was born first, weighing 5 pounds even and measured 19 inches long. Your daughter was born 18 minutes after her brother , weighing 4 pounds 5 ounces and measuring 16 inches long. What will you be naming these tiny angels?" She asks us. I look at Charlie and smile before saying "our son is Gavin Reed Clark and our princess will be Callie Rae Clark" Dr. Walker hums in agreement as she fills out the papers before leaving our room. "That was intense but I'm glad our babies are finally here babe" Charlie says as she gets up to go clean herself up. All I do is grunt in response as I stare at my babies. "Ya know I wonder how Frankie is doing since they left before us." Charlie shouts from the bathroom. That's right they did I thought to myself before saying "I'm sure we will find out soon enough love." I decide to put on some reruns of Chicago Fire while waiting for my future wifey to come back into the room.

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