Chapter 29

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Kia's POV:
It's 8am and I'm sitting here at my OB/GYN's office discussing my very unplanned pregnancy while my husbands sit next to me taking everything in. "Alright Kia let's get a ultrasound so we can see how the babies are doing" Dr. Walker tells me as a nurse guides me into one of the exam rooms. I quickly lay down and lower my pants a little. As many babies as I've had this is basically nothing.
"Okay here we go. Do it looks like you're about 12 weeks along with triplets. As of right now the genders are still a mystery but you are definitely having triplets. I want to see you every 2 weeks considering your age and there's more than one baby. Your due date is June 9th but we will probably induce you before that just to be safe. I also suggest no more children after this. As your friend and doctor, you shouldn't become pregnant after this one. Have you thought about your options?" She asks us
"Yes all three of us plan on getting vasectomies before these babies are even born. We love our babies but we want our wife with us til we're old and gray" Toni tells her as his brothers nod in agreement. "I'm unsure at this time what I want to do. If it's medically necessary than I'll get my tubes tied but I've honestly been pulled and stitched enough it's their turn" I say as I point at my husbands earning a chuckle from the Doc.
"So I'll see you guys in 2 weeks you all know the drill" Dr Walker says as she leaves the exam room. We head out to the front desk and Tyson makes my appointment. "Babygirl we should tell the kids about their new siblings" Tyson says as we walk hand in hand to the car. "Honestly I vote for a mass text message to all of them after we tell Tanner since he's the youngest." I tell them as we pile into the truck. "Sweetheart you hungry?" Tristan asks me "Definitely let's go to IHOP and binge watch Netflix til the kids come home" I tell them as Toni drives us out of the lot.

Dylan's POV:
"Chase do we have to go?" I whine out from our bed as he laughs at me from the bathroom. We definitely stayed up too late last night. Plus this little girl doesn't fuckin want me to sleep like ever. "You're being dramatic babe. Get up and we'll go to Dunkin' Donuts afterwards" he says as he walks out with a towel wrapped around his waist and a smaller one in his hands drying his hair. I can't help but drool at the sight of my man. "Less drooling more moving woman" Chase says as he smacks my ass as he walks past me to the closet. Thirty minutes later we walk into my doctors ready for our appointment.
-fast forward thirty minutes-
"Alright I went now feed me and your daughter." I demand as we get in the car. Thirty minutes later we make it back home with 2 dozen donuts, a large hot chocolate for me, vanilla latte for Chase and 3 of their sweet bacon sandwiches. "Alright babe I have class so I'll see you later. Get some rest and call me if you need anything. Love you" he says while pecking my lips and leaving the house. A hour later I'm completely stuffed and exhausted. I strip down to my underwear, throw on one of Chases shirts and get into bed. I turn on some Walking Dead reruns and let exhaustion take over.

Tristan's POV:
Our sweetheart is pregnant again. I can't believe it. We really weren't trying and only wanted one but we've been blessed with three more. When the Doc mentioned about her age and not having anymore babies cause it could affect her health I froze. I love all of our babies but I would never risk my wife just to add to the family. My brothers feel the same way as I do and we immediately booked our vasectomy appointments. This was going to happen sooner than later so why not now. Tyson and I are currently working on paperwork for dad's company which has continued to thrive since we took over 17 years ago. We added a couple new things since we took over, like remodeling half of the second floor so we could put a daycare center in for our employees with families. We also gave everyone a extra 3 weeks of sick time after they're with the company for six months. The restaurant/bar is doing fantastic. I'm only there two days a week since I have to be at the company but I have two managers that take care of the place for me. Toni's tattoo shop is always busy. He's highly requested but is only inks people seven days out of the month, the rest of the time he's in his office doing the paperwork or he's at the company with us. Tyson's auto shop is doing well. He just finished installing six more lifts, two of which are for motorcycles. He's mostly there on Thursday's and Friday's unless he's working on a custom project. All of Kia's businesses are thriving better than all of ours.
"Alright brother let's go see what our beautiful woman is up to with Toni. I hope her pregnant sex drive kicks in soon. I hate seeing her unwell." Tyson says as we leave our home office to find them. It doesn't take long as they're both passed out in the game room. "I didn't realize Toni was that tired. Let's order dinner and wait for the kids to get home" I tell Tyson while opening up the Domino's app so I can order dinner. He nods in return and sits in one of the recliners as I go wait in the living room for the kids. I can't wait to see their faces when we tell them the news.

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