Chapter 14

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Cass's POV:

I'm a hour into my shift when I see some of the girls walking in. I can't help the smile that comes across my face when I see Sami and her cousins. I watch them ask to be seated in my section which thank god I only have two tables right now with one of them finishing up soon. I wait for the hostess to walk them over to one of my ten seater tables. I'm looking at them with some confusion when there's only three of them here. Seeing my confusion Sami says "some of the others are coming and will be here shortly" before saying something to Ari. I take their drink orders and when I get back the two people I don't want to see right now are here with Gage, Travis, Maci, Frankie, and Bear. Before I can walk away I see the hostess back with more of my friends for the other ten seater in my section. Of course being basically family they decide to push the tables together into one giant table. The second group had Charlie, Gunnar, Tommy, Luna, Maddox, Naomi, Dean, Maya, Dallas and Killian. I say hi to everyone except the two idiots that are currently staring a hole in the back of my head and probably my ass too. I tell a couple food runners that they're in my section until these two big tables leave. I take the check from the three seater that left a few minutes ago before getting everyone their drinks. I start taking their food orders most of them get the same thing every time so it's not hard to figure out. When I get to the idiots Will tells me "we would like to beg for forgiveness and give you some gifts. The girls helped us with this so please don't throw them out." I put my notepad and pen away as Wyatt passes over a envelope. I open it and there's three pieces of paper. The first two are test results showing that they're STD free. As if id be letting them near me anytime soon. But the last paper has two phone numbers. "We got new phones, new numbers and didn't save any of the content that was on our previous phones." Wyatt says looking away with a guilty look on his face. My guys really seem to be serious about wanting to be with me. "We should of never did what we did to you all those years ago. Telling you we're sorry isn't enough. Our actions from here on out will prove to you how we feel about you, that this isn't just a physical want but what out hearts want too." Will says quietly while letting a couple tears fall. He was always the more sensitive out of the twins. "We were grade A assholes that tossed you aside once we hit high school. Instead of standing by your side we chased after the first skirt we saw and never looked back. We promised you we would protect you and we didn't. By the time we realized what we had done it was too late. The bright look you had in your eyes for us was no longer there. You voided us from your life and with good reason too. After awhile we did stop messing with those girls. I know it didn't look like it when you saw them all over us but we never slept with them again. We swear on our lives. Only a couple of the guys knew that we had swore off those nasty girls but we kept the illusion cause we knew you wouldn't believe us. The times you thought we did we really didn't. As soon as we were out of sight we'd push em away and walk back into whatever party was going on. We haven't done anything sexual in two years. We've been waiting for you to be ready for us but we can't wait any longer. We want you and only you baby. We promise." Wyatt finishes telling me everything in front of a majority of our friends and family. I look around at everyone earning a nod from Tommy, Travis, and Maddox. "You guys all knew and didn't say anything" I snapped out at the guys making them flinch a little. "Hey Aiden knew too be mad at him too" Maddox said "and snitches get stiches man, hellooo use your brain none of them were ready" Travis whisper yelled before popping Maddox in the back of the head. This starts some play fighting up that makes Bear separate them while Tommy muttered "a bunch of overgrown children. I can't believe I'm related to them" before looking at the menu again. I look at the girls, Sami the longest as she nods and smiles at me. "Alright you two man children I will give you both a chance. If you mess up once I'm done and I'll definitely go off grid with the other girls for awhile" all the guys tense and glare at my guys at that last statement. "I want to start slow for now. We will discuss for in a while now what do you guys want to eat?" I tell them as I kiss their cheeks before putting their orders into the system and told the other waitress helping me to top off their drinks.
About thirty minutes later the runners and second waitress bring out their appetizers which for this large group was 8 cactus blossoms, 12 orders of the grilled shrimp, 10 orders of potato skins, 7 orders of fried pickles and 5 orders of rattlesnake bites. I walked up behind Will, tapped his shoulder making him look away and ate the potato skin right out of his hand. I can't help but giggle at the look on his face. He must of heard me giggling cause he looked right at me making me freeze and quickly try to act like my mouth wasn't full of food. He raised his eyebrow at me like saying 'seriously' so I just wink at him and walk back to the kitchen to check on their entrees. Twenty minutes later their entrees are finished and ready to go so I put them on a few trays and carry what I can. They ordered 6 bbq chicken & steak meals, 8 smokehouse burgers, 7 country fried steaks, 4 ribeye and bbq ribs, 5 steak & shrimp dinners along with many different sides. They stayed for my entire shift just laughing and eating like we always do. At some point Wyatt pulled me onto his lap just to hold for a few minutes while Will held my hand. I tried to forget how they made me feel but somehow fate just keeps pushing us together. I'm excited to see what the future holds for us all. Until then I'll just keep enjoying my best friends and my loves.

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