Chapter 33

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Tristan's POV:

Jan 20th

Fuck! I'm not excited about my balls being cut into today. I know I promised Kia I would do this for her but I'm having second thoughts. "I know that fuckin look and don't even think about it" Tyson tells me warningly "Fuck you Ty!" I tell him as I get ready for this stupid appointment. I go into our closet to get dressed and something catches my eye. I move some clothes out of the way and see that it's our old pot box. I open it and breathe a sigh of relief when I notice a joint and some edibles, those are Kia's since she didn't want to smell like pot after the kids started figuring out what the smell on Mama's clothes. So it was a no brainer when I ate one of the edibles, put the box back where I found it and left the room. "Hey sweetheart what time do we have to be there?" I ask her as she passes me a pill and some water. "Take that and we have about 30 minutes so we should go now" Kia says as she slightly waddles out to the garage. Shrugging my shoulders, I down the pull and drink the water before leaving the house. Twenty minutes later we show up to the urologist's office and I'm immediately taken back to the room. Not gunna lie I'm feeling pretty fuckin amazing right now.
The doctor and his team come in and begin the procedure. I started feeling drowsy halfway through the procedure then when they were finished I felt like I was in another dimension. Kia came in the room to help me to the wheelchair when she stops and looks at me "Tristan are you high?" she asks with concern "you know it sweetcheeks" I say as I smack that fat ass of hers. Rolling her eyes at me she has one of the nurses help her get me in the chair. "Babe you're lucky I love you or I'd fuck you up. Balls snipped or not!" Kia growls into my ear. "Oh baby don't threaten me with a good time" I tell her as she wheels me out "Thanks for cutting my balls doc. Happy wife, happy life right" I shout throughout the waiting room earning a few laughs. "Sweetheart will you kiss my boo boo later?" I ask my wife sweetly as she shoves me into the car.

Kia's POV:

Fuckin Tristan! I think that little shit found my stash. I was saving that for after the babies were born. He's definitely buying me more! I look over at Tristan and he's staring at his hand like it's the most amazing thing he's ever seen. So being the loving wife that I am, I slammed on the brakes real quick making him slap himself in the face. I bust out laughing at his dumb ass. My man didn't even flinch, just giggled like a little girl. Lord help me with this man. I shoot a text to my other husbands for help cause I refuse to deal with him by myself. I'm pregnant with their babies for Christs sake. I pull into the driveway to find my husband's waiting for us. "Oh baby look it's my brothers. Now we can fuck all night. Let's go!" Tristan says as he tries to get out of the car while still fastened by his seatbelt. "I can't believe I had babies with this man. Lord help me with my special ass husband today" I say to no one in particular as Tyson yanks open the car door and rips Tristan out of the car. I sigh and get out of the car and walk into the house.
"Guys I'm gunna have to be on the bottom this time since the room keeps moving on me and then we can switch for round 2. C'mere sweetheart! Give me that fat ass of yours" Tristan says as he yanks me right onto his junk. "Oh he's gunna feel this shit later" Toni says trying to hold in his laugh as Tristan grinds himself against me. "Baby you need to chill out with all that crazy before you accidentally hurt someone and even if I were in the mood you can't do shit with a limp dick" I huff out in annoyance at him as my mountain man punches Tristan in the face successfully knocking him out while Toni gently moved me to the couch. Tyson decides to duct tape Tristan to the office chair and pushes him into the corner of the room with a smirk "I'm definitely making him wait until the weed is more out of his system before giving him and pain meds" I tell my husbands as we relax until the kids get him. Our youngest twins, Montana and Dakota, are back to normal now. We gave them their own rooms now. Montana happily moved across the hall into Sami's old room since she moved in with Gage. Our boys decided to end their friendship with Ally and have since been ignoring her. Thank god cause she was becoming trouble and I taught my kids to never let anyone get in between them. My boys had never fought overkill a girl until last week. That's right I gave my sons the "bros before hoes" speech just like I gave my daughters the "chicks before dicks" speech. Their significant others will respect the family bond or they're out.
About a hour later the kids came home. They were quick to notice Tristan in the corner and immediately went to to mess with him. I gave birth to little assholes what can I say? The girls took selfies with him while the boys put some makeup on him courtesy of me and yes I'm petty like that when people mess with my stuff. Tanner comes running in the house with Travis right behind him. "Hey Mama" Tanner says as I wrap my arms around his little body "hey baby! Can you show Pops what happens when he's mean to Mama?" I ask my youngest. He gets this evil smirk on his face before running over to Tristan. Tanner pulls his arm back, balls up his little fist before driving it straight into his fathers balls. Tristan jolts awake gasping in pain as Tanner runs off somewhere. That's my boy. I don't even bother hiding my smirk as my husband gets himself together. "What the fuck woman?! Why am I taped to the chair" he asks no one in particular "Because you're a fuckin idiot bro." Tyson tells him as he drops a big bag of frozen veggies on his balls "fuck Ty what was that for?" Tristan whines out "you kept trying to fuck our wife right after you had your balls snipped cause you were high as fuck. We had to strap you down cause you were out of control." Toni tells his brother as he starts ordering dinner. "And you can't have any more percs just yet cause it could put you in the damn hospital" I growl out at him. It's at that point he realizes that he fucked up. "Shit I'm sorry sweetheart" he says as he hangs his head. I look at Tyson who cuts the tape off so Tristan can move around. Dinner finally shows up and I give him some pain meds to take the edge off. As soon as I finish eating I feel like all of my energy left my body so I let my husbands put the kids to bed while I sat in the living room with Tristan. A hour later Tristan is knocked out on the couch and I'm half asleep in the chair so Tyson carries me upstairs to bed. Toni changes me before tucking me in between him and Tyson just before everything went dark.

The Next Generation (BOOK 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora