Chapter 16

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Naomi's POV:
So here we are back at the doctors to check on our little one. The waiting room is unusually full this morning and I have a feeling we might be here awhile. I mean it's only 9am and our appointment is at 9:15. Bracing myself for the longer wait time I grab one of the magazines and start flipping through its pages. I was reading some how to tips when I heard a familiar voice, Chase. "Hey Dylan how are you feeling?" I ask her as she sits down across from us while Chase gets her checked in at the desk. "No the baby fine at the moment. We're hoping to find out the gender today. What about you?" She replies "The same for us girl. These babies are definitely something else already" I tell her. Before we can continue our conversation I hear my name being called "oh I better go I'll see you when I'm finished." I say as Maddox and I follow the nurse back to the secondary waiting area. I do the usual before she walks us into one of the empty rooms letting us know the doctor would be in with us shortly. Just as the nurse promised, Dr. Franklin walked into the room a few minutes later. "Hey you two it's good to see you again. Today we can try to find out the genders of your twins. If they don't cooperate we can try again in a few weeks. Alright you know the drill lay down and lift your shirt up for me" she tells me. She spreads the gel around my stomach until she finds the twins "Alright baby A is a boy and baby B is also a boy. Congratulations you're having twin boys. Fraternal twin boys to be exact" she tells us with a smile. "I'll print you some copies and meet you up front to schedule you another 4 weeks out" she tells us as she dries her hands off and leaves the room. "Twin boys babe. This is crazy" I tell Maddox who seems to be in shock. "Snap out of Maddox and let's get out of here" I tell him as flick the side of his face. I guess he's still taking it all in still cause he only nods in response as I clean off my stomach before fixing my clothes. He opened the door for me and before I could fully make it out the door he grabs my hand and kisses me on my cheek "thank you babe. I'm so happy I have no words to describe everything that I'm feeling" he whispers out before guiding us both out of the room. The doctor hands Maddox the pictures while I make our appointment before heading home for a nap.
Dylan's POV:
I watch Naomi and Maddox leave the office with pictures of their babies. I'll have to ask them what they're having later. I hear the nurse call my name so Chase and I get up to follow her to the second waiting room. After getting my urine sample and vitals we're taken to a empty room to wait for the doctor. Dr. Walker comes in the room and says hello. "Alright so far everything is looking good so let's see if we can figure out the sex of the baby" she says as she turns on the machine. I lift my shirt and lay down as she squirted the gel on my stomach. She starts moving the Doppler over my stomach before stopping right over the baby. "Okay it looks like you will have a little girl" she tells us with a smile. I smile widely at Chase as a couple tears fall from his eyes. "Congratulations to the both of you. I will print out a couple pictures for you and I want you back here in 4 weeks" she says as she rushes out of the room. Chase grabs a wipe and starts wiping off my tummy free of the gel before planting kisses all over my little belly. "I love you so much Dylan. I can't believe we're going  to have a little princess. Thank you so much baby" he says before planting a passionate kiss before adjusting my clothes and walking out to the front desk. The front desk lady passed us a envelope with our sonogram pictures before setting us up with an appointment 4 weeks from now. "Can we swing by Applebees and get something to go? I'm hungry and in need of a nap" I tell Chase as we get into his car. "Sure thing babe I'm hungry too" he says as we pull out of the lot.
Charlie's POV:
I don't know what's going on with me but I'm just exhausted. So here I am in the waiting room, practically sleeping in Gunnar's lap while waiting to be called back. "As soon as we're done here we can go take a nap" he whispers to me earning a mmmhmm from me. After a few minutes I hear my name being called but don't climb off of Gunnar. What can I say I love cuddling him 24/7. Gunnar carries me to the second waiting room before waking me up "Charlie I need you wake up long enough to get your vitals done and pee in a cup then you can curl back up in lap" he reasons with me and I comply. I do what the nurse asks me to do before climbing back into his arms as we were taken to a room. A couple minutes later Dr. Walker walked in saying hello to both of us. "Alright we can see if we can hear the heartbeat if you just lay down and lift up your shirt" she says as Gunnar places me on the table and lifts up my shirt as she starts moving the Doppler slowly around my stomach. After several minutes she stops moving and this loud thumping sound flows out of the speakers. "Hmmm that's interesting" she says as she moves the Doppler some more and take measurements. "What's up doctor?" Gunnar asks her "Oh nothing it looks like you are having more than one baby hence why you are basically dead on your feet" she says with a smile. At that my eyes fly open "twins? Ahh damn it babe my vagina is never going to be the same again" I whine out as I feel some tears coming while Gunnar and the doc chuckle at my ridiculousness. "Baby you will be fine. Stop worrying about your suzy and be happy we are blessed with twins" he says before pecking my cheek. "Alright we need to increase your vitamins and adjust your diet a little bit. I want you back in 4 weeks. We probably won't be able to determine the gender at that appointment but probably the following one. Now Charlie you need to get plenty of fluids, food and rest especially since you are eating for 3 instead of 2. If there are any issues between now and your next appointment don't hesitate to call" she says as she leaves the room. Now that I'm wide awake I quickly clean myself off before grabbing Gunnar's hand and drag him to the front with him laughing behind me. "Alright I need food when we get out of here, I'm in the mood for Buffalo Wild Wings please" I say as I'm handed my next appointment card. "Okay that sounds good and then you need to lay down for awhile." Gunnar tells me firmly. All I can do is nod as we make our way out to the car.
Frankie's POV:
We got called back almost immediately after Charlie was called back and were placed in one of the rooms. Thank god it's one of their bigger rooms cause poor Bear is practically hitting his head when he walks back with me. Poor guy can't even walk standing straight up in this office. Oh well he will live. After 15 minutes Dr. Walker walks in and says hello to us. "Alright how are you feeling so far?? Any pain? Morning sickness??" She asks me "I feel good just tired. I haven't had any pain and only a couple days of morning sickness. So far I'm lucky, knock on wood" I tell her "Alright let's check the heartbeat of your little one" she says as I lay down and lift up my shirt. She applies the gel and slowly moves the Doppler around my stomach before stopping and turning up the volume. A loud noise came out of the speakers in a rhythmic beat. "The baby sounds strong. Make an appointment for 4 weeks out. I don't think we will find out the gender but we can try" she says as she wipes off my stomach and washes her hands. "It was great seeing you and I'll see you in 4 weeks" is the last thing she says before rushing out to her next patient. We stop at the front desk on our way out and set up the appointment. "Can we go get some ice cream on the way home?" I ask Bear. "Sure thing babe. Let's get out of here I need a nap" he says through a yawn as we both get in his truck. We loaded up with ice cream first before getting food from Roy Rogers and heading home. Both of us stuffed ourselves til we fell asleep in each other's arms dreaming about our baby.

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