Chapter 13

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~4 weeks later~

Sami's POV:

 It's been a few weeks since the girls confessed their pregnancies and honestly it only took a week for the parents to find out about it. I thought there would be bloodshed but apparently our parents are ridiculously chill about it. Aunt Court is nuts enough for all of them and my uncles can barely control her wild ass so they focus on making sure she doesn't catch a felony so the kids get away with almost anything. If it was me or Maya, our parents would flip their shit. Lina and Ari, even though they have boyfriends, aren't interested in becoming mothers anytime soon. I think Uncle Ash would burst a blood vessel over something like that and Aunt Rachel knows her sons are whores and stopped trying to change their ways a long time ago but she flat out told them not to fuck their whores in her house or she'd fuck someone up. I think her exact words were "if you bring those nasty whores in this house I have no problem beating the shit out of them then tossing you out on your ass right behind them. Oh and I have plenty of connections and bail money that I won't spend a minute in jail." The twins didn't mess with anyone for 2 months after that but then the southern head took charge and they started humping everything that breathed again. That's when they really hurt Cass cause they had been talking and re-kindling their friendship when they just dropped her for a threesome with one of the school sluts. Cass was crushed so Charlie, Frankie, Aiden, Travis and myself yanked them apart in mid fuckery and beat their asses. Aiden broke Will's ribs and a bloody nose. Travis broke Wyatt's arm and gave him two black eyes. Frankie and myself held down that slut while Frankie shaved only parts of her head making patches all over her head before we each took turns fucking her up. Maya stood off to the side and recorded the whole thing and at the end we said "that's what you get for hurting Cass" as all three of us girls each took multiple shots at their baby makers before going back home. Maya posted the video anonymously, blurred our faces and change our voices but those three idiots were seen clearly by everyone. They caught a lot of shit for what they did and a lot of people stopped talking to them for like 6 months until everyone kind of got over it. 

Anyways life goes on and we all moved on from that incident even if we still like to fuck with them occasionally. Every year there's some gag gifts given at Christmas. Last year we took the liberty of getting them a few boxes of Plan B, some STD test kits and some antibiotics for when they catch something. The whole family thought it was hilarious  except for the way younger kids but that's okay cause I really don't want them knowing that shit just yet. Back to where I'm going with this. The twins are really putting effort into winning Cass's heart. I'm almost proud of them but I think they need a little push in the right direction. I text Lina, Maya and Ari explaining my idea and they agree to help so I make sure we have the at home STD test kits before walking over to my cousins, grabbing them by their shirts and dragging them to the closest bathroom. Not caring that it's a men's bathroom I push the door open dragging them inside. I throw the tests at them watching them bounce off their chests before they grab them. "Seriously Sami?" Will whines out "Because you've stuck your dicks in a majority of the female population since you were 14, which is gross I can't believe they haven't fallen off yet. Anyways if you want Cass back at least prove that you haven't caught anything from those cum dumpsters you messed with." I tell them pointedly "Good point" Wyatt says as they both go into a stall to do their business. As they both step out and wash their hands the girls barge in as well. We set the timers for the required 15 minutes as we explain the plan for them today. 

The timers go off and luckily they don't have anything but we take pictures for proof anyways. "Guys time to go to the mall now so get in the car now before we tie you up and force you to do what we want." Lina tells them before walking out of the bathroom and into the parking lot. I had the girls borrow the Escalade from their older brother Wes. Twenty minutes later we pull into the mall's parking lot. We quickly walk in making a beeline to the phone store to get these idiots slut free phones. They were due for a upgrade anyways so we picked out one of the newer phones and let the techs set up their phones. "Wait a minute I think you should be warned that there might be some nasty pics on their phones so to save your eyeballs from that don't transfer their pictures or video and give them new phone numbers" Ari tells the techs before they even look at anything. Now that they know I can tell they're trying not to make the ewww face but they're failing. I grab one of the phones and quickly go to the video section to delete them. "Holy fuck you two you have over 80 videos. I swear if you don't change you're going to fuckin rehab! I can't believe Aunt Rachel and Uncle Wes haven't had ya'll committed like aaagghhh!" I yell out in the middle of the store. Sighing I quickly delete the videos and move onto the pictures and they're not much better. I skim through all of them and only leave 20 on there. Then I proceed to delete all of their fuck buddies phone numbers and completely clear their messages before handing them both back over to the techs who sigh in relief. A hour later they have new phones and numbers, thank god. We notice a lot of the females of every age and relationship status eyeing the twins up. Having enough of the bullshit I couldn't stop the words that left my mouth "Alright ladies there's nothing to see here. I know you find my cousins hot but they are spoken for so pack up your vaginas and go home. That means you married ladies as well. I know looking is okay but eye fucking someone in a room full of strangers is not a good look and if you all choose not to listen I will gladly call each and everyone of you out on your shit." At that the women scattered, some of them forgetting they were with their boyfriends and husbands. "All of you boyfriends or husbands don't you dare go after them cause if they stare like that when you're standing next to them what do you think they're doing when you aren't a few feet away from them?" I say pointedly and a few of them guys had the "oh shit" look on their face and they quickly left the mall. "Sami I don't think I've ever seen you destroy so many hopes and dreams of the female population ever." Maya says with a giggle "Yeah you totally destroyed some relationships today. The divorce attorney's are gunna be making bank here soon" Lina said as we dragged the twins back to the car to head over to Texas Roadhouse where Cass works hoping this shit helps them out.

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