Chapter 38

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~a few doors down in room 220~
Frankie's POV:

I can't believe our baby boy is going to be in my arms soon. Mrs. Knight just left my room after letting me know Charlie just had the twins. I was definitely shocked. I didn't she was in labor. Bear hasn't moved from my side once since we left for the hospital. I was already 5 cm dilated when we arrived at the hospital earlier so I received a epidural about a hour ago. I'm definitely not in any pain that's for sure. I'm spacing out into the tv when Dr. Walker walks in the room. "Hey you guys! Let me check you to see how much you've progressed" she says before lifting up the sheet covering my lower half. "Well you are still at 5cm. I'm not overly worried about this just yet. I'll come back in a couple of hours to check you again. If you still aren't progressing then we will have to give you something to move things along" she tells us before leaving again. I release a sigh of annoyance warning a chuckle from Bear. "Relax Babygirl. He will come out when he's ready" Bear says while placing a kiss on my lips. "I know. I know. I just don't want any complications" I say with a pout. "Babygirl the doctor said there's no need to worry yet. So don't" he tells me as I relax against him.

~2 1/2 hours later~

"Alright Frankie let's check your progress" Dr. Walker says as she puts on new gloves and disappears under the sheet briefly before telling us "you're almost at 6cm dilated now however this isn't the kind of progress we were hoping for. I'm prescribing some Pitocin to help move your labor along and I'll check you in a hour." A nurse injects the medicine into my IV before leaving the room. I look at Bear and shrug before turning my attention back to the tv show.

~3 hours later~

"Fuck! Bear this hurts worse than the original contractions. Where is the doctor? I thought she was going to check me 2 hours ago!" I moan out in pain. "I don't know Babygirl but let me get one of the nurses okay?" He asks me. I nod and he pushes the call button a couple of times. Why didn't I think of that? A nurse comes in, takes a look at me before rushing back out. A few minutes later Dr. Walker walks in the room, in completely different scrubs, and says "hey sorry for the delay. I had a difficult delivery that I finished up not long ago. Anyways let's check you now." She quickly checks me before letting me know I'm now 9cm dilated and they were going to get everything set up for delivery. A few nurses come in and start setting everything up for delivering a baby. Then they brought the incubator and baby supplies. Just as they got everything situated I felt the urge to push. "Doc I need to push" I groan out in discomfort. "Okay Frankie go ahead and give me a big push the next time the urge to push happens" Dr. Walker says from in between my legs. Moments later the urge to push hits me and I bare down hard pushing with everything I have. "Good Frankie! The babies head is out and has a full head of hair" Dr. Walker says as I push again and again. Finally after what felt like our baby boy comes into the world screaming his head off. "You have a beautiful baby boy. A large baby boy to be precise. Dad do you wanna cut the cord?" She asks Bear earning a grunt in return. He cuts the cord and they lay my sweet baby boy on my chest. "He looks just like you Bear" I say as the nurse gently takes him over to be cleaned off. Dr. Walker begins to deliver all of the after birth and sew me up down there. Whew my poor kitty cat is all kind of fucked up. Bear walks over to where our son is and smiles at him as the nurse swaddles our son tightly. The nurse hands a clipboard over to Dr. Walker before leaving the room. "Alright you two I'd like to inform you that you gave birth to a 9 pound 5 ounce boy measuring 20 inches long. He's a solid boy, Frankie and Bear. Congratulations! What so this gorgeous boys going to be?" She asks as she makes notes on his paperwork. "His name is Fallon Hayes Severide" Bear tells her with pride as he looks at me with so much love. God my ovaries I swear. East now we just gave birth my inner voice of reason chimes in. "Alright take it easy Frankie and I'll check on you later" Dr. Walker says as she walks out of the room. Bear wheels little Fallon over so he's next to the bed. "Babygirl he's perfect. Thank you for everything. I love you so much" Bear whispers huskily before slamming his lips to mine. "I love you too. I think I'm going to rest my eyes for awhile" I say as I feel myself slowly drifting off to sleep.

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