Chapter 19

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Nora's POV:
Everything has been great so far. Aiden and I are waiting to have sex. It's not that we don't want to cause trust me we definitely do but everyone we know that's been having sex wound up pregnant almost instantly. I told Aiden that I'm not sure if I want kids now or ever. He took it very well considering he's from a ridiculously large family. My mom was a teen mom and she suffered a lot. My sperm donor was gone before I was even a thought. It was just my mom and me for 10 years until she got pregnant with my sister Novalie. Her dad stuck around for a couple of years until my mom caught him trying to touch me in the wrong way. Nasty ass old man I swear. She threw him out and got a restraining order on him. When I turned 15 my mom gave birth to my little brother Nero. His dad, Fernando married my mom and loved all of us as his own.
Anyways Aiden and I are hanging out with some of our friends at the arcade before eating dinner at Jakes Burger Joint. Pulling in front of the arcade I noticed most of our friends are here already. We walk inside and find our group of friends immediately. Aidens sisters and their boyfriends are here. Maddox is playing air hockey against Travis while Maci and Naomi watch. Tommy and Luna are hogging the picture booth. Jax has his arms wrapped around Oakley while she plays in one of the claw machines. Will and Wyatt are in a intense dance off on the DDR game which is definitely funny to watch. Cassidy is recording the whole thing on her phone while trying not to fall over from laughing so hard.
Our pregnant friends are currently stuffing their faces with their men at their beck and call. Sami and Gage are playing the zombie shooter game and it's close since they're both good at the game. Dean and Maya are playing some racing game with Charlie yelling at Maya for driving shitty. I notice my favorite game is empty and immediately rush over there with my cup of tokens.
"Skeet ball babe?" Aiden asks as he stands to my right
"Damn right!! I'm ready to kick your ass if you think you can handle it" I say before putting a token in the slot releasing the balls.
"Alright babe your wish is my command. Now if I win you have to give me full body massages for a week. If I lose I'll buy you breakfast, lunch and dinner for a month" he tells me with a mischievous grin on his face
"You're on babe. Let's do this" I yell at him before we start the game.

~3 hours later ~

"This is bullshit babe. I can't believe I lost" Aiden whined out as we took our tickets up to the counter.
"Awww you poor baby. You want some cheese with that whine? Now time for dinner let's go. The others left 10 minutes ago. C'mon!" I yell out as I drag him out to the car.
We find our friends at Georgia's and immediately head back to the 3 tables that were put together for us.
All of us place our orders with the waitresses helping us out.
Thirty minutes into our meal my phone rings. I quickly answer the call "hello?"
"Is this Nora Hernandez?" The guy asks me
"Yes who is this?" I ask
"My name is Frank and I'm a detective with the local police. There was a accident involving your parents and unfortunately they didn't make it. We need you to come down to the station to sign some papers and pick up your siblings." He tells me making me choke on the drink I was drink.
"Are my brother and sister okay? What happened?" I ask feeling tears build up in my eyes
"Apparently your parents stopped off at one of the local convenience stores for some snacks on the way home when 2 druggies came into rob the store. Your dad tried to stop the gunman but got shot in the process. Your mom was in the bathroom when the first shot went off. She came out thinking the shooter left only to find your dad bleeding out on the floor. Before she could go back out to the car to find help she was shot in the head from behind. I'm so sorry for your loss but you need to come down to the station immediately before CPS comes to take your siblings." He told me as I sat there crying at the table.
"Okay I'm on my way" is all I manage to get out before I hang up and sob into my hands.
"Baby what's wrong?" Aiden asks me while trying to wipe my tears away
"That was the cops. My parents were killed in a convenience store robbery and my siblings were in the car when it happened. I have to go to the station now before CPS takes them away" I tell him as I get up to leave.
"I'm driving you. You're in no condition to drive" he says as he hops into the drivers seat.
We make it to the police station in no time and I quickly jump out of the car.
Running through the doors I immediately look my brother and sister. I finally see them sitting on a bench looking scared to death. "Nero! Novalie!" I yell out as I make my way over to them.
"Nora!!" both of them scream out before jumping into my arms. I can feel their tears soaking my shirt as they let out their pain from losing our parents.
I know Aiden is near me since I can smell his cologne.
A throat clears snapping us out of mini sob fest.
"Are you Nora Hernandez?" A cop asks me earning a quiet nod in return.
"Okay we need for you to sign some documents claiming responsibility for your minor siblings. Then you can take them home. We have caught the shooters and are charging them to full extent of the law. They will not get away with this terrible crime." The officer tells me as I sign the necessary documents.
"Also here's a list of the best child psychologists that I recommend for you and your siblings"
"Thank you officer. When will we be able to bury our parents?" I ask him quietly
"As soon as the coroner is finished. Now that should be all of the paperwork we need. You can take them home now" he tells us as we stand up and head back to the car.
I buckle both of them in before climbing into the passenger seat.
Aiden holds my hand as he heads over to our house. We finally pull into the driveway and I notice Nero and Novalie are fast asleep.
"Can you get Novalie while I carry Nero inside?" I quietly ask Aiden
"Sure thing babe" he says as he gently carries her to her room.
I place Nero in his crib before kissing his forehead and walking out of his room.
I find Aiden sitting on the couch waiting for me. He opens his arms wide gesturing for me to sit on his lap. I get comfortable on his lap as he wraps his arms around me letting me completely come apart.
I feel him rubbing my back as I sob into his neck. Once I started calming down, the exhaustion from today catches up with me and all I see is darkness.

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