Chapter 20

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Aiden's POV:
As I watch Nora sleeping in my arms, I can't help but worry about her. She lost her parents and became a parent to her siblings in the span of a few hours. I know this is going to be a rough road for all of them and I'm definitely going to be here to help them every step of the way. I'm definitely not worried about our classes that we have in several hours. That reminds me, someone needs to grab our work from our classes. I take out my phone and go into the group chat and start a new message not including Nora.

AIDEN: Hey everyone sorry for texting so late but I figured you needed to know what happened. Earlier this evening Nora's parents killed in a armed robbery. Nora is now her younger siblings guardian and is going to need all of our help, not our pity though. If some of you could gather both of our assignments for the week that would be great. I don't plan on leaving her side ever.

THEBOSS💋: 😥😥😥😥😥

WILDCHILD😎💋: Let us know if you need anything. I'm in two of her classes but I'm not sure about the rest of them.

JAX: I'll get your math work for you

TOMMY: You better tell your parents about all of this Aid. They might be able to help Nora or maybe my mom might have some resources to help her with the kids.

ARI: OH MY GOD!!!!😥😥😥😥

LINA: I told mom and dad. They plan on stopping by later tonight.

TRAVIS: We got you covered man. Just take care of her and those kids. We will stop by after classes are done.

I put my phone away and pick up Nora's sleeping body and carried her up to her room, laying her down on her bed. I remove her shoes before stripping myself down to my boxers and cover both of us. I let exhaustion take over as I fall asleep with my girl in my arms.

~several hours later~

Nora's POV:

I stretch out my limbs and roll over only to touch sheets. Cracking one eye open I peak around the room finding myself alone. Sighing out loud to myself I let yesterdays event flash through my mind and the heavy responsibility I now have now. Not wanting to cry anymore I get up and head to the bathroom to do my business before checking on the kids.

I walk out of my room and head towards the kitchen when I hear my brother giggling at something Aiden said. I just watch them from the doorway as my siblings try to flip a pancake without it landing on the floor. From what I can see there's two pancakes stuck on the kitchen ceiling and three oddly shaped pancakes scattered on the floor. I notice Novalie is cracking eggs into a pan with ease while Aiden decides to cook some sausage. Nero is covered in pancake batter and I can't help but laugh at them.

All at once they freeze and look at me. "Good morning everyone. Whatcha making? Something smells amazing." I say as I give Aiden a peck on the lip before I check on Novalies egg frying skills which are shockingly pretty good for a 8 year old. Looking over at Nero I bust out laughing at him as he says his version of 'pancake' over and over. "Yes little one pancakes. You're supposed to eat them not wear them. Lets go get a bath" I say as I grab my little brother and carry him to the bathroom down the hall.

Twenty minutes later, Nero is clean and I'm a hot mess with pancake batter and soapy water all over me. "Nero baby go to Li Li okay" I tell him before turning him towards the kitchen. He waddles quickly in the right direction. It isn't until I hear him yelling "Li Li" that I know he's back under supervision.

I quickly jump into the shower hoping to get this mess out of my hair. Thirty minutes later I walk into the kitchen to find the mess cleaned up and breakfast ready. Nero is already sitting in his high chair and Novalie is sitting in one of the chairs. Aiden is placing food on their plates as I find a seat next to Aiden.
"All clean now baby?" Aiden asked as he placed a couple pancakes on my plate.
"Yeah I feel a lot better. I could sleep more but that will have to wait til later" I tell him as he passes me a cup of coffee.
Once everyone's plate is full we dig into our food. The sound of silverware scraping the plates is the only sound I hear.
"Babe my parents are stopping by tonight and our friends are taking care of getting our assignments. If you want to lay back down you can. I got the kids. Even though I think it's almost their nap time. They've been up for almost 3 hours. There's nothing going on until this afternoon." Aiden tells me as takes his empty plate to the sink. Novalie finishes moments after him and hands him the plate. I feel myself becoming tired again and quickly put my plate in the sink. Nero is about to face plant into his plate so I quickly clean him up and go put him in his crib. Novalie is already laying down already falling asleep.
Walking back to my room I notice Aiden is s stretched out on the bed. I climb in bed immediately curling into Aidens side making sure to cover us both with the blanket. Aiden wraps his arms around me as we relax into each other and fall asleep.

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